Nextdoor for Neighborhoods

A new social-networking site used to keep residents informed and engaged. Enroll at

January 27, 2014 | 2 min reading time

This article is 10 years old. It was published on January 27, 2014.

When neighbors start talking, good things happen! That's the thinking behind a new tool for sparking neighborhood-level conversations called Website's have been established in nearly every St. Louis city neighborhood and enrollment has been growing week after week.

Enroll Online A postcard will be sent to your home address for verifying your place of residence and so you can be secure in knowing whatever you post goes only to others who are also verified. 

On October 16th, 2013 with the launch of the City of St. Louis portal, several city departments, including the Metropolitan Police Department, the Neighborhood Stabilization Team and the City's Emergency Management Agency gained a tool for effectively sharing important updates such as crime alerts and city events. 


Residents who create a Nextdoor account can expect to receive hyperlocal updates from City Hall posted directly to their neighborhood site; changes in service delivery, safety and emergency preparedness tips and road construction updates, for instance. You can also leave replies for these Departments to bring attention to issues and concerns. 

Watch this 90 second summary video to learn more:

Please be aware that Nextdoor is not the appropriate way to request emergency services, police services, report criminal or suspicious activity, file a report, etc. If you require emergency services, please call 911.

Thank you for your commitment to your neighborhood and for joining in our efforts to make St. Louis neighborhoods stronger, safer and better connected!

** Nextdoor is an initiative of the President of the President of the Board of Aldermen, Lewis E. Reed. **

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