Homeless Resources

Listing of homeless service providers under different categories

Drop-In Centers
Drop-in centers in the City of St. Louis that provide daytime walk-in services to people struggling with mental illness, addiction, housing and other issues.

Food Help
Food banks and free meals in the St. Louis area.

Help for Youth
Listings of organizations that can help St. Louis City youth with housing, education, substance use, employment and other issues.

Housing Help
Resources for people in St. Louis who need assistance with temporary or transitional housing, or who need financial help with housing or utility bills.

Incarceration and Re-Entry Help
Resources to help those who are incarcerated or those who have recently been released from prison in the City of St. Louis, including bond assistance, housing, employment and medication help.

Mental Health Help
If you are in the City of St. Louis and struggling with a mental health issue, these resources can help.

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