Building inspections, condemnations, and vacant buildings Dataset Distribution
Overview for this Building Inspections - Existing Structures dataset distribution
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Access database including building inspections, condemnations, and vacant building records (due to recent system upgrades, some recent data may be missing)
Download Building inspections, condemnations, and vacant buildings Access Database
Field Definitions
Name | Label | Data Type | Vocabulary |
ADDR_Handle | Project Handle | String | |
ADDR_LocationX | Project X | String | |
ADDR_LocationY | Project Y | String | |
ADDR_Neighborhood | Neighborhood Name | String | |
ADDR_NeighborhoodNumber | Neighborhood Number | String | |
ADDR_NeighborhoodNumber | Project Neighborhood | String | |
ADDR_ParcelID | Project Parcel ID | String | |
ADDR_Ward | Project Ward | String | |
AKAAddress | Project AKA Address | String | |
AnswerNames | Violation Answer | String | |
CNTP_Name (HCIN_FK_CNTP_ID) | Construction | String | |
CurrentResult (HCRS_ID) | Violation Resolution | String | |
HCAA_OwnerAddress | Owner Address | String | |
HCAA_OwnerCity | Owner City | String | |
HCAA_OwnerName | Owner Name | String | |
HCAA_OwnerZip | Owner Zip Code | String | |
HCAA_ProjectAddress | Project Address | String | |
HCAA_ProjectCity | Project City | String | |
HCAA_ProjectZipCode | Project Zip Code | String | |
HCAA_UnitNumber | Unit Number | String | |
HCIN_GeneralNotes | General Notes | String | |
HCIN_NumberOfStories | # of Stories | String | |
HCIN_NumberOfUnits | # of Units | String | |
HCIN_OccupancyLimit | Occupancy Limit Number | String | |
HCIR_InspectorNotes | Violation Inspector Notes | String | |
HCIS_Name (HCIR_FK_HCIS_ID) | Violation Severity | String | |
HCLO_Name (HCLO_ID) | Violation Location | String | |
HCOI_COI_Number | COI Number | String | |
HCOI_DateIssued | COI Issue Date | String | |
HCRA_Name (HCIN_FK_HCRA_ID_Current) | Current Result | String | |
HCTM_LetterText | Violation Text | String | |
HCTM_Name (HCTM_ID) | Violation Item | String | |
HCTY_Name (HCTY_ID) | Violation Type | String | |
Inspector | Inspector Name | String | |
INTY_Name (HCIN_FK_INTY_ID) | Inspection Type | String | |
OwnerState | Owner State | String | |
ProjectState | Project State | String | |
USCD_Name (HCIN_FK_USCD_ID) | Use Code | String |
About This Distribution
- Is a distribution of: Building Inspections - Existing Structures
- Data format: Access Database
- File last modified:
- File size: MB
- Update frequency: Daily
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