Board Bill Number 89 In Session 2006-2007

An ordinance pertaining to the Leasehold Revenue Bonds.


BOARD BILL #89 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN/ALDERMAN CONWAY An ordinance pertaining to the Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 authorized by Ordinance 66648 and recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, appropriating from said bond funds account for fiscal years FY07 and FY08 an amount not to exceed seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000), to be used for convention center asset preservation costs and other public infrastructure improvements promoting conventions and tourism in the City; said funds available in the Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 bond fund account; authorizing the Comptroller to draw warrants from time to time upon submission of properly certified vouchers in conformance with procedures established by the Comptroller of the City; and containing an emergency clause.



Session: 2006-2007

Primary Sponsors: Stephen Conway

Ordinance: 67122 effective 06/13/2006

Committee: Ways and Means

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 05/25/2006

    First Reading

  • 06/02/2006

    Second Reading

  • 06/09/2006


  • 06/09/2006

    Third Reading


Ordinance Number: 67122

Effective Date: 06/13/2006

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