Board Bill Number 16 In Session 2021-2022
Kiesel Company Lease
This Board Bill authorizes an amendment to Ordinance Number. 68872, which ordinance authorized a a new Lease Agreement with the City of St. Louis and Kiesel Company, a Missouri Corporation, for land and mooring at or near Branch Street for a period of ten (10) years with three (3) five (5) year mutual options, and authorizes a First Amendment to said Lease Agreement for the first five (5) year mutual option for an increase in rent to $106,271.00 for 2021 with a 2 percent annual escalator.
Latest Bill text:
- Introduced (631.36 KB PDF)
Session: 2021-2022
Introduced: 04/30/2021
Primary Sponsors: Lisa Middlebrook
Latest Activity: Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number
Ordinance: 71385 effective 09/05/2021
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (631.36 KB PDF).
04/30/2021Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Transportation and Commerce Committee.
07/06/2021Committee Hearing
The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Transportation and Commerce Committee hearing.
07/09/2021Second Reading
The bill was passed.
The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.
07/16/2021Third Reading
The bill was passed.
07/16/2021Delivered to Mayor
08/09/2021Mayor Returns Bill
The bill was approved.
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