Board Bill Number 71 In Session 2024-2025
Charter Change Proposal Creating the Office of Public Advocacy
An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of St. Louis that adds a new Section 2A to Article II of the Charter of the City of St. Louis providing for the election of a public advocate and a new Section XIII-A of the Charter of the City of St. Louis creating a new office of public advocacy and granting the public advocate certain authorities and duties; providing for an election to be held for voting on the proposed amendment and for the manner of voting; and for the publication, certification, deposit, and recording of this ordinance and containing an emergency clause and a severability clause.
Latest Bill text:
- Committee Substitute As Amended (586.85 KB PDF)
Session: 2024-2025
Introduced: 07/12/2024
Primary Sponsors: Daniela Velazquez
Latest Activity: Perfection
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (247.91 KB PDF).
07/12/2024Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Legislation and Rules Committee.
07/23/2024Committee Hearing
The bill was held in committee during the Legislation and Rules Committee hearing.
07/30/2024Committee Hearing
The bill was held in committee during the Legislation and Rules Committee hearing.
The bill text was changed:
- As Amended in Committee (265.09 KB PDF)
08/07/2024Committee Hearing
The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Legislation and Rules Committee hearing.
The bill text was changed:
- Committee Substitute As Amended (586.85 KB PDF)
08/08/2024Second Reading
The bill failed.
Supporting Materials
These materials are not a part of the legislation. They may be presented by the sponsor, other Board members, special guest speakers or others to help further explain the proposal, provide other evidence, give additional information and/or alternative ideas or opinions.
7 Files have been uploaded Title File Size New Amendment 3 to Board Bill Number 71 Committee Substitute As Amended in Committee. This new Amendment 3 is proposed for the full BOA Meeting held Tuesday, August 13, 2024 via Zoom Webinar. BB71CSAA Ad 3 New.pdf 80.59 KB Proposed Committee Substitute. This has not been adopted. The attached copy shows the proposed changes. BB71CS Combined Marked Copy.pdf 595.77 KB Presentation made to the committee at it Tuesday, July 23, 2024 committee meeting in the Kennedy Room. BB71 Presentation_Updated.pdf 14.19 MB Presentation made at the Tuesday, July 30, 3034 committee meeting in the Kennedy Room. BB71CS Presentation.pdf Updated.pdf 255.59 KB Proposed Amendment 1 for the Tuesday, July 30, 2024 committee meeting in the Kennedy Room. BB71CS Ad 1.pdf 73.71 KB New Amendment 1 to Board Bill Number 71 Committee Substitute As Amended in Committee. This new Amendment 1 is proposed for the full BOA Meeting held Tuesday, August 13, 2024 via Zoom Webinar. BB71CSAA Ad 1 New.pdf 75.45 KB New Amendment 2 to Board Bill Number 71 Committee Substitute As Amended in Committee. This new Amendment 1 is proposed for the full BOA Meeting held Tuesday, August 13, 2024 via Zoom Webinar. BB71CSAA Ad 2 New.pdf 79.16 KB
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