Board Bill Number 10 In Session 2011-2012

Amending the Excise Code


BOARD BILL NO. 10 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CHARLES QUINCY TROUPE, ALDERMAN JEFFREY L. BOYD An Ordinance which amends Ordinance 68536, Section Seven, paragraph 14.06.250(A) and Section Nine, paragraph 14.08.190 of the Excise Code of the City of St. Louis, to clarify that premises where motor vehicle service stations exist are limited to five percent (5.0%) package licenses; and which amends Ordinance 68536, Section Nine, paragraph 14.08.060(D) and paragraph 14.08.130(C) of The Excise Code of the City of St. Louis, to extend standing to Aldermen and to current liquor licensees; and containing an emergency clause.



Session: 2011-2012

Primary Sponsors: Charles Troupe

Committee: Public Safety


Jeffrey L Boyd

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 04/29/2011

    First Reading

  • 05/13/2011

    Second Reading

  • 05/20/2011

    Informal Calendar

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