Board Bill Number 33 In Session 2011-2012

Easement for Laclede Gas


BOARD BILL #33 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN ALFRED WESSELS An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and the Comptroller of the City of Saint Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), and other good and valuable consideration, a permanent, irrevocable Easement, which shall give, grant, extend and confer onto LACLEDE GAS COMPANY, a Missouri Corporation ( ?GRANTEE ?) whose address is 720 Olive St., its successors and assigns, leasees and tenants forever, the right and easement to construct, operate and maintain, a gas distribution system consisting of mains , service connections and appurtenances thereto, together with the privilege of removing at any time any or all of said GRANTEE?S improvements, in, under and across a ten ( 10 ) foot strip of ground in City Block 2034, and containing an emergency clause.



Session: 2011-2012

Primary Sponsors: Fred Wessels Jr.

Ordinance: 68887 effective 05/25/2011

Committee: Ways and Means

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 04/29/2011

    First Reading

  • 05/06/2011

    Second Reading

  • 05/13/2011


  • 05/20/2011

    Third Reading


Ordinance Number: 68887

Effective Date: 05/25/2011

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