Board Bill Number 246 In Session 2011-2012

Ordinance pertaining to semi-trailer trucks.


BOARD BILL NO. 246 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE An ordinance pertaining to commercial semi-trailer trucks, also known as a semi?s, or tractor-trailers; prohibiting such traffic during certain hours along McCausland Ave. from the north boundary of Southwest Avenue to the south boundary of Wise Avenue, exempting from said prohibition emergency vehicles, including privately owned tow trucks when providing emergency service to non-commercial vehicles, and vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of less than 26,000 pounds and containing an emergency clause.



Session: 2011-2012

Primary Sponsors: Scott Ogilvie

Ordinance: 69093 effective 02/13/2012

Committee: Streets, Traffic and Refuse

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 01/13/2012

    First Reading

  • 01/20/2012

    Second Reading

  • 01/27/2012


  • 02/03/2012

    Informal Calendar

  • 02/10/2012

    Third Reading


Ordinance Number: 69093

Effective Date: 02/13/2012

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