Ordinance 71896

Proposed City Charter Change Removing Municipal Fine Limits

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An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City a proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of St. Louis amending Article IV of the Charter and enacting a new section of Article IV to remove municipal fine limits that are assessed for ordinance violations; providing for an election to be held for voting on the proposed amendment and for the manner of voting; and for the publication, certification, deposit, and recording of this ordinance and containing an emergency clause.


Session: 2024-2025

Board Bill Number: 72

Primary Sponsors: Daniela Velazquez

Effective: 09/03/2024

Legislative History

Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 07/12/2024

    First Reading

    Bill text was introduced (147.83 KB PDF).

  • 07/12/2024

    Referred to a Committee

    The bill was assigned to the Legislation and Rules Committee.

  • 07/23/2024

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was held in committee during the Legislation and Rules Committee hearing.

  • 07/30/2024

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was held in committee during the Legislation and Rules Committee hearing.

    The bill text was changed:

  • 08/07/2024

    Committee Hearing

    The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Legislation and Rules Committee hearing.

  • 08/08/2024

    Second Reading

  • 08/08/2024


    The bill was passed.

  • 08/13/2024


    The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.

  • 08/13/2024

    Third Reading

    The bill was passed.

  • 08/13/2024

    Delivered to Mayor

  • 08/23/2024

    Mayor Returns Bill

    The bill was returned without a signature.

  • 08/23/2024

    Delivered to Register

  • 09/03/2024

    Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number

    Register returns ordinance number 71896. Effective date is 09/03/2024


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