Municipal Court Cancelling Warrants

Information on Cancelling Bench Warrants

Cancelling Bench Warrants

If a warrant is issued for your arrest, you may appear in person at the customer service counter at the court at 1520 Market to request a hardship cancellation of your warrant without being required to post a cash bond.

If you received a warrant because you were hospitalized, in custody or for some other good reason, please bring documentation of your hardship. You may be granted only one hardship warrant cancellation.

You are not eligible for a hardship warrant cancellation if you have previously received either a hardship continuance or warrant cancellation on this case.

If you are not eligible for a hardship warrant cancellation, you must post a cash bond of $50.00 per case with a cap of $200 if you have multiple cases. These amounts apply to most cases.

If the judge has set a higher bond for your case, you most post the bond than the judge has set, unless the court decides to lower your bond amount.

Municipal Court

(314) 622-3231

1520 Market St., Suite #1120
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday except City Holidays

Contact the Municipal Court

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