Garden Location 4705-21 HAMPTON AV

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: St. Louis Hills

Garden planter: Adults

Organization or group: Southampton Neighborhood Association and Brightside St. Louis

Approximate planting date: 10/18/2014

Type of property: Other

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: The garden is actually located across the street from the address listed. It is a vegetated triangle of land that sits between Hampton, Murdoch and Sulphur. It does not have an official address. The garden contains the following plants: Butterfly Milkweed (32 plants), Marsh Milkweed (6 plants), Whorled Milkweed (25 plants), Purple Coneflower (27 plants), MO Black-eyed Susan (32 plants), Goldenrod (12 plants), Bee Balm (10 plants).

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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