Garden Location 4515 MAGNOLIA AV

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Southwest Garden

Garden planter: Adults

Organization or group: n/a

Approximate planting date: 05/01/2014

Type of property: Home

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: Nectar sources include plants in several locations: perennials include Monarda (numerous), butterfly bushes (3-4 shrubs), black-eyed susans (numerous),cone flowers (approx 6), and boneset (1); annuals include pineapple sage, several varieties of lavender, 2 varieties of basil. Milkweed plants include: common milkweed (1 plant that is sending up new stalks which will become new plants), marsh milkweed (numerous plants), butterfly milkweed (1-2). The "garden" was planted in 2014-15 and comprises several sites in the front and back yards of our house; thus, the plants are in various spots and not all in one place. The image attached (I hope) is of a milkweed monarch caterpillar on a marsh milkweed in the back yard; photo: September 2015.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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