
2019 Eagle Days

Learn about eagles and watch eagles fishing, soaring overhead and more!

January 1, 2019 | 2 min reading time

This article is 5 years old. It was published on January 1, 2019.

Did you know the Mississippi River hosts one of North America's largest concentrations of bald eagles? They are drawn to areas of open water in search of fish, their preferred food. The Chain of Rocks rapids to the south of the Chain of Rocks Bridge create open waters that are ideal fishing waters for eagles.

Eagle lovers of all ages are invited to the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge on January 19 and 20 to watch eagles fishing, riding the ice floes, soaring overhead or roosting in nearby trees. Visitors are welcome to view eagles through spotting scopes staffed by trained volunteers.

Other Eagle Days activities include:

* Live Eagle Educational Program, repeated every 20 minutes from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

* Full-size eagle's nest replica -- a great photo opportunity

* Children's art and St. Louis Audubon display in the Warming Tent.

* Lewis and Clark Re-enactors, sharing what life was like as part of Lewis & Clark's 1804-06 expedition -- The Corps of Discovery.

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