City of St. Louis Begins Robust Installation Schedule for New LED Street Lights

The City of St. Louis Street Department has begun installing new LED street lights along major corridors throughout the City.

April 13, 2017 | 2 min reading time

This article is 7 years old. It was published on April 13, 2017.

ST. LOUIS -- To improve nighttime visibility and safety, the City of St. Louis Street Department has begun *installing new LED streetlights along major corridors throughout the City. The new lights provide more uniform lighting distribution, eliminating dark areas on the roadway between poles.

The City has secured a $1 million loan from the Missouri Department of Economic Development-Division of Energy, Energy Loan Programto purchase and replace nearly 5,000 light fixtures. The estimated annual savings from using high-efficiency LEDs is expected to produce more than $150,000 annually, allowing the City to pay back the loan in less than eight years.

In accordance with the City's Sustainability Plan, launched by Mayor Francis Slay, the new fixtures are expected to generate a minimum of 40 percent energy savings and up to 75 percent savings on street lighting maintenance.

"Nearly two years ago we began swapping out the old standard high-pressure sodium light bulbs for new LEDs as the bulbs burned out, but by replacing the entire fixture, we can save money, provide better lighting, and reduce our carbon footprint," Traffic Commissioner Deanna Venker said. "We're concentrating the first round of LED fixture installations on our high-volume arterial routes, starting with those in the City's PIER neighborhoods."

In the coming years, the City's Street Department will apply for additional loan funding to cover a mix of arterial and residential routes.

*Media wishing to cover the installation should please contact Traffic Commissioner Deanna Venker at 314.852.2713 or

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