We Collab Resident-Led Reinvestment Neighborhood Plan

We Collab Resident-Led Reinvestment Proposed Neighborhood Plan for the West End and Visitation Park Neighborhoods

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Publication Date: 05/22/2023
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Sponsor: Planning & Urban Design Agency

The plan was adopted as a Neighborhood Plan and a supplement to the City’s Comprehensive Plan by the Planning Commission on June 14, 2023.

The planning area is bounded by Page Ave on the north, Union Blvd on the east, Delmar Blvd on the south, and Skinker Blvd/Pkwy on the west, and includes the two neighborhoods – West End and Visitation Park.

The plan was prepared by a planning team led by Yard & Company together with BlackArc, &Access, Lochmueller, Vector Communications, Ken Stapleton & Associations with support by Invest STL, Cornerstone Corporation, the WeCollab neighborhood resident-led steering committee, and the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency (PDA).

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