Charter Schools
St. Louis is seeking applications with an exciting vision, unique services and compelling plans that will address the need for high quality public educational services throughout the City of St. Louis
Mayor Slay on Public Education
I am a strong advocate of public education. St. Louis parents and employers alike are seeking better public schools. In addition to supporting on-going efforts to improve the St. Louis Public Schools, I believe that we must create additional public education options.
I am inviting educators, parents and entrepreneurs to create quality charter schools to serve the needs of all our families - regardless of race and income. Charter schools are public schools. In exchange for freedom from many of the rules and regulations that apply to traditional public-school districts, charter schools are to demonstrate positive outcomes such as individual student growth, parent involvement, and overall school academic achievement.
State law requires a sponsor-approved application, authorized by the State Board of Education, in order to establish a charter school in Missouri. While I cannot sponsor charter schools, many potential charter school sponsors value my opinion. After successfully completing this vigorous application process, my office will help aspiring schools identify potential sponsors, assist with technical issues, help secure a sponsor and gain authorization from the Missouri Board of Education
Are you part of a successful school that can be replicated in St. Louis? Do you have an exciting, innovative idea for a new school? St. Louis is seeking applications with an exciting vision, unique services and compelling plans that will address the need for high quality public educational services throughout the City of St. Louis. I am particularly interested in schools that serve at-risk children, attract and retain families in the City, and those that provide students with career and workforce options. I invite you to review the application and apply to create a charter school in St. Louis.
-Mayor Slay