Board of Aldermen
Aldermanic News, Birthdays - June 2011
Personnel changes, June birthdays
This article is 14 years old. It was published on June 1, 2011.
President of the Board of Aldermen Lewis Reed
Welcome to Maurice Falls, who joined the Board of Aldermen staff last month. He replaces Rory Roundtree, who has left his position at City Hall in order to focus on his final year of law school.
The Board of Aldermen meetings are held on Fridays at 10 a.m. I welcome all employees and members of the public to attend.
The following are June birthdays. Please do not hesitate to stop and wish them a "Happy Birthday" if you see them in City Hall.
Gregory Carter - Alderman 27th Ward - June 6
Kacie Starr Triplett - Alderwoman 6th Ward - June 8
Tracy Billups - Secretary - June 11
Joseph Roddy - Alderman 17th Ward - June 13
Marlene Davis - Alderwoman 19th Ward - June 14
Joseph Vaccaro - Alderman 23rd Ward - June 25
Board of Aldermen
Elected Officials