Board of Aldermen
Board of Aldermen Birthdays - January 2015
For the latest Board news, visit the St. Louis Core website.
This article is 10 years old. It was published on January 1, 2015.
The following are the Board of Aldermen January birthdays. Please do not hesitate to stop and wish them a "Happy Birthday" if you see them in City Hall.
Frank Williamson - 26th Ward - January 2
Larry Arnowitz - 12th Ward - January 2
Joseph Vollmer - 10th Ward - January 13
Jeffrey Boyd - 22nd Ward - January 13
Carol Howard - 14th Ward - January 25
Board Meetings Resume January 9, 2015
As always, any member of the public is welcome to attend Board of Aldermen meetings, which are held Friday at 10 a.m.
For all the latest news and updates, visit the web site.
Board of Aldermen
City of St. Louis
Board of Aldermen
Elected Officials