CREA Settlement Examples

Example of settled housing cases


Example 1: Source of income 

CREA negotiated a settlement with a property owner in a Source of Income case.  CP was applying for a unit,  and while completing the paperwork CP presented her voucher. CP was told by the landlord they did not accept Section 8.  CP both went to the press and contacted CREA. During the course of the investigation, landlord  admitted to not accepting Section 8 , in violation of City Ordinance 69953. CREA asked for the maximum settlement based on state and local law, which included a review of the company handbook and related documents to make sure they are in compliance with federal and local fair housing laws. CREA continues to monitor the landlord's activities.

Example 2: Source of income and Familial Status 

Complainant contacted CREA alleging landlord discriminated based on Source on Income and Familial Status.  Complainant asserted her rental fee, based on her employment income  and number of children, was calcutated incorrectly. After CREA investigation,Complainant and landlord agreed to a conciliated monetary settlement.

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