Pension Funding Project Debt Service Table
This table shows remaining principal and interest payments, by fiscal year, for Pension Funding Project Leasehold Revenue Bonds
Publication Date: 06/30/2017
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Office of the Comptroller
This table shows remaining principal and interest payments, by fiscal year, for Pension Funding Project Leasehold Revenue Bonds.
Pension Funding Debt Service as of 6-30-2017 (7.26 KB)
Pension Funding Project - Debt Service on Outstanding Bonds 6-30-2018 (82.61 KB)
Pension Funding Project - Debt Service as of 7-1-2020 (331.35 KB)
Pension Funding Project Debt Service as of 12-31-2021 (105.83 KB)
Pension Funding Project Debt Service as of 12-31-2022 (105.86 KB)
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