Comptroller's statement regarding Grand Jury decision in the shooting death of Michael Brown
Officer Darren Wilson will not face charges for fatally shooting an unarmed black teenager
November 25, 2014
2 min
reading time
This article is 11 years old. It was published on November 25, 2014.
My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Michael Brown as they receive the news and prepare for the holidays without their son. It is my prayer that in the weeks and months ahead, our community will seek to live together peaceably, work together with respect, and engage in creating positive changes to improve social and economic justice for all people.
The name Michael Brown from Ferguson, Missouri will forever be connected with the protest and unrest that brought to light the social injustices that exist here in America. Let's not lose sight of the fact that a young man's life was cut short 3 ½ months ago and now, I hope the death of Michael Brown will not be in vain. Business as usual in the St. Louis region must change.
-Darlene Green
Office of the Comptroller
Law, Safety, and Justice
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