Allocation Adjustment to ESG-CV1 and ESG-CV2 Funds

St. Louis City Department of Human Services has made adjustments to the Emergency Solutions Grant – Coronavirus (ESG-CV1 and 2) Activity Allocations.

February 12, 2021 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on February 12, 2021.

St. Louis City Department of Human Services has made the following adjustments to the Emergency Solutions Grant – Coronavirus (ESG-CV1 and 2) Activity Allocations. The following information explains the need for the adjustments being made. Movement of funds between activities which amount to less than 10% of the overall allocation do not constitute a Substantial Amendment under the City’s Citizen Participation Plan. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been notified of the adjustments.

This is 9.05% move in funds of the overall total combined (ESG-CV1 and ESG-CV2) allocation.


Allocation Adjustment to ESG-CV1 & ESG-CV2 Funds
ESG Activity CV-1 Starting Allocation Adjustment CV-1 Adjusted Allocation CV2 Starting Allocation Adjustment CV-2 Adjusted Allocation Original Total Combined Allocation Total Adjustment Adjusted Total Combined Allocation
Emergency Shelter $2,000,000   $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $671,000 $2,671,000 $4,000,000 $671,000 $4,671,000
Street Outreach $500,000 ($89,700) $410,300 $500,000   $500,000 $1,000,000 ($89,700) $910,300
Rapid Rehousing $2,500,000 $89,700 $2,589,700 $800,000 ($800,000) $0 $3,300,000 ($710,300) $2,589,700
Homeless Prevention $0   $0 $900,000   $900,000 $900,000   $900,000
Data Collection $180,000   $180,000 $51,000 $129,000 $180,000 $231,000 $129,000 $360,000
Administration $252,145   $252,145 $140,329   $140,329 $392,474   $392,474
Total $5,432,145 $89,700 $5,432,145 $4,391,329 $800,000 $4,391,329 $9,823,474 $889,700 $9,823,474

Explanation of Adjustments:

The adjustment in ESG-CV1 moves $89,700 from Street Outreach to Rapid Rehousing (RRH). After receiving proposals for RRH additional funds are needed to fund Landlord Incentives. Landlord Incentives benefit the upcoming Housing Surge, which targets 100 households found to be either underserved, over the age of 60, or with high-risk health conditions on the Community’s Coordinated Entry Prioritization List, for permanent housing. These households are more susceptible to death or increased health complications if they contract coronavirus. This adjustment supports the community’s goal of responding, preparing and preventing the spread of COVID-19. This will prevent further impact of the coronavirus by getting high risk individuals and families into permanent housing.

Within the ESG-CV2 allocation the full Rapid Rehousing allocation is being moved to the Emergency Shelter and Data Collection categories. There were enough funds in ESG-CV1 to fund all selected RRH projects. Right now, there is a high need for additional Emergency Shelter projects to continue to respond, prepare and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This addition of funds to Emergency Shelter are anticipated to support multiple projects. First, funds will support ongoing shelters which responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Secondly, funds will support Jefferson Spaces, the new innovative community of transitional mini shelters for the unhoused. This shelter site is going to be beneficial in the City’s COVID-19 response and prevention efforts. Finally, funds may be used to support the quarantine/isolation site in partnership with St. Louis County.

The data collection efforts have been cumbersome, and quite a large addition for our HMIS provider, Institute for Community Alliance, and to support their efforts, and fund them appropriately additional funds will ensure continued management of data entry, reporting and training efforts.

Should anyone have any questions or comments, they can be directed to:

Amy Bickford, MPA, Chief Program Manager
Homeless Services Division, Department of Human Services


  • Contact Information:
    Amy Bickford
    Program Manager, Homeless Services
    Office Phone: (314) 657-1718
  • Department:
    Homeless Services
  • Topic:

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