Wonder How St. Louis Homeless Services Projects Are Rated? Read on for information on the 2016 process.

By Eddie Roth, Director of Human Services

August 25, 2016 | 2 min reading time

This article is 9 years old. It was published on August 25, 2016.

Continuum of Care Logo - House with Shadow

This Community depends on funding from a big annual federal competition for homeless services. The more the community know the details of how projects are reviewed, ranked and selected for inclusion in the competition, the better and stronger we will compete. 

HUD's Continuum of Care Program Competitive Grant (CoC Grant) is by far the largest source of federal funding for projects supporting housing and supportive services for people who are homeless. 

The CoC Grant provides between $10 million and more annually to fund top non-profits for eligible projects in the City of St. Louis, which may include permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, supportive services, rapid rehousing, coordination of services, and information systems.

The Continuum of Care for the City of St. Louis -- a community-based collective of stakeholders that includes service providers, government agencies, education leaders, other non profits, educators, consumers of homeless services and ordinary citizens and community and business leaders -- develops the criteria and does the reviewing and recommending of projects -- existing and new. It also suggests how projects should rank and how much funding to include for each in the application the City of St. Louis submits each year for CoC Grant.  

These recommendations then are reviewed by a City of St. Louis Professional Services Agreement Selection Committee. 

Here, for your consideration, is how the 2016 process worked: with documents revealing the programs that were considered and reviewed, ranked and selected, along with the criteria used and results of this year's competitive process in the City of St. Louis Continuum of Care.

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    Homeless Services
    Department of Human Services
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