St. Louis Business License Search
Search for businesses with licenses in the City of St. louis
All persons (sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations) who conduct business in the City of St. Louis, MO must obtain a business license for that activity.
A license is valid for the fiscal year June 1, and expires on May 31, the following year. License types other than the Graduated Business License (GBL) are not included due to requirements of other departments.
This database is updated weekly and provides only current-year graduated business license information for businesses that are considered "currently licensed." This means the business has been issued a business license for the current fiscal year.
The search provides information about business licenses issued by the License Collector's Office. You can verify whether a business is registered with the State of Missouri by visiting the Missouri Secretary of State website.
Business Search
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Search Tips
- When searching by name or address, you do not have to enter the full text. You can search using any part of the name. For example, if you were searching for ABC Widget Co you could enter "widget" or "ab" and find it. By address, 4444 West Pine.
- When searching by name, please verify the legal name for the business. Business licenses are issued under legal names.
- If you search by business address and find no match, try searching by name. If you search by name and find no match, try searching by the business address.
- When searching by address, try entering just the house number of street name.
- The search provides information about business licenses issued by the License Collector's Office. You can verify whether a business is registered with the State of Missouri by visiting the Missouri Secretary of State website.
The License Collector of the City of St. Louis is providing information via this site as a public service for general informational purposes only. The License Collector makes no claims, representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the quality, content, accuracy, completeness, currency, suitability of this information, text, graphics, photos, links, and other items provided via this site. Users acknowledge that any reliance on any materials on this site is at their own risk.
All materials on this site are provided on an "As is" and/or "As available" basis. The License Collector makes no express or implied warranties, representation, or endorsements whatsoever with respect to the site, the service, or the content. The License Collector expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, with regard to the site, the service, the content, and/or any product or service furnished or to be furnished via the site.
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