Mayor Slay Signs Civilian Oversight Board Legislation into Law

Mayor Francis Slay signed the legislation into law today in his office with Alderman Terry Kennedy.

May 6, 2015 | 2 min reading time

This article is 9 years old. It was published on May 6, 2015.

Mayor Francis Slay, a co-sponsor of Board Bill 208 to establish a Civilian Oversight Board in the City of St. Louis, signed the legislation into law today in his office with Alderman Terry Kennedy.

Board Bill 208, introduced by Alderman Kennedy and sponsored by Alderman Antonio French, creates a civilian board to receive and review complaints about the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

"The goal in creating a Civilian Oversight Board has always been to establish a board that will enhance trust between police officers and the community, be fair to police and protect their rights, ensure that civilians have a role in our police department, and increase transparency," Mayor Slay said. "The work the Board of Aldermen has done and my signature on this historic bill today reflects two things: an awareness that a Civilian Oversight Board is needed, and a willingness to compromise to get it done. Now the real work starts as we begin to implement it."

The bill officially becomes law onJune 5, 2015. The timeline for the formation of the full board is as follows:

May 6: 

Mayor Slay signs Board Bill 208 into law, establishing a Civilian Oversight Board for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

June 5: 

Bill becomes effective as ordinance (Charter, Art. IV, § 19).

July 6: 

Clerk of Board of Aldermen delivers names of qualified individuals recommended by Aldermen to Mayor Slay (Ordinance, Section 3, subsection 5.A).

August 5: 

Mayor delivers to Board of Aldermen nominations for Civilian Oversight Board positions (Ordinance, Section 3, subsection 5.B).

November 3: 

1. Public Safety Committee holds public hearings on nominees;

2. Board of Aldermen takes vote on whether to confirm each nominee

(Ordinance, Section 3, subsection 5.C)

April/May, 2016: 

Each confirmed member must:

           1. Complete course at Citizens Academy before hearing first case;

           2. Complete training within six months of confirmation

           (Ordinance, Section 4, subsection 8)

  • Department:
    Office of the Mayor
    Metropolitan St. Louis Police Department
    Civilian Oversight Board
  • Topic:
    Policy Making

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