Registration is Now Open for the SouthSide Rec Soccer League!

Important partnerships brings life to new soccer league.

June 28, 2019 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on June 28, 2019.

The City of St. Louis Recreation Division is excited to announce the "SouthSide Rec Soccer League". 

This collaboration between New Dimensions Soccer, DeSales Community Development and Dutchtown South Community Corporation aims to provide youth ranging in ages from PreK to 5th grade, the opportunity to play soccer close to home.

New Dimensions Soccer has been working with City schools for several years and has worked with DeSales Community Development to offer an organized league based in Fox Park for the last two seasons. 

“This is the perfect time for all of us to partner and is a dream come true for our organization” said Tom Michler, Co-Founder of New Dimension Soccer. “We want to give the youth of the City of St. Louis the opportunity to walk out their front door, walk to their local park, and be provided a quality soccer experience.”  

The program will emphasize individual ball skills, developing proper technique, and gaining exposure to qualified instructors and coaches. The games will be small sided (4v4, 5v5, 6v6, etc.) and are important to help keep the game flowing, encourage decision making, and allow more touches on the ball for each individual player.  

Bill Bixon, Program Manager II for the Recreation Division said, “This is a just a tremendous opportunity for us to partner with organizations who were already doing great things in the community, but working together, we can now provide a quality program to a larger segment of the population at a very low cost. We couldn’t be more excited to kick this program off, and frankly grow this program as quick as we can to reach all parts of the City.”   

St. Louis has a rich soccer tradition and excitement continues to surround the sport with the local efforts to bring an MLS expansion team to the City. Registration is now open for the program and will close on August 17th with league play set to begin on Saturday, September 14th. The cost to play is just $10 and all participants will receive a pair of shin guards, soccer socks, and a t-shirt.

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