Terminal 2 Entrance Door Improvements at St. Louis Lambert International Airport

Details and planholders for this project


Electronic bids submitted through the Bid Express Online Portal will be received by the Board of Public Service until 1:45 PM, CT, on AUGUST 09, 2022, then publicly opened and read. Proposals must be submitted electronically using “Bid Express Online Portal” at https://www.bidexpress.com/businesses/20618/home. Plans and Specifications may be examined on the Board of Public Service website http://www.stl-bps.org (BPS On Line Plan Room) and may be purchased directly through the BPS website from INDOX Services at cost plus shipping. No refunds will be made.

A mandatory pre-bid conference for all contractors bidding on this project will be held July 19, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The pre-bid conference will be held in Ozark Conference Room, 4TH Floor of the Airport Office Building, 11495 Navaid Rd., Bridgeton, MO 63044.

Bidders shall comply with all applicable City, State and Federal laws (including MBE/WBE policies).

All bidders must regard Federal Executive Order 11246, “Notice of Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity”, the “Equal Opportunity Clause” and the “Standard Federal Equal Employment Specifications” set forth within and referenced at www.stl-bps.org (Announcements).

More Info

Number: 8749

Posted: 7/186/2022

Estimated cost: $1,428,000.00

Bid opening: 8/221/2022

Bid opening location:
August 9, 2022 at 1:45 p.m., CT, St. Louis, MO in Room 325 City Hall, 1200 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63103 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83445052494?pwd=eHZvQIRESxmxBREhJWjZFLzVBcitSUT09 Meeting ID: 834 4505 2494 Passcode: 621348 One tap mobile: +13107158592, 83445052494# US (Germantown) +13126266799, 83445052494# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1.301.715.8592 US (Germantown) +1.312.626.6799 US (Chicago) +1.646.558.8656 US (New York) + US (Tacoma)

View rules, policies, and procedures.

Planholders (20)

Download planholder list (CSV)

Banks, Natasha (LIGHT SOURCE)

Email: bankslightsource@gmail.com
Phone: (410) 326-1582
Address: 841 Hillen St, Baltimore, MD, USA, 841, 841, BALTIMORE, MD 21202 US

Brader, Brian (Simply Bright Ideas, Inc.)

Email: service@simplybrightideas.com
Phone: (314) 718-1688
Fax: (314) 270-5297
Address: 20 Spring Time, St. Charles, MO 63303 US

Bullock, Brandi (J.D. Kutter)

Email: brandib@jdkutter.com
Phone: (314) 444-4949
Address: 100 North Broadway, Suite 900, St. Louis, MO 63102 US

Davenport, Rich (ePlan)

Email: amieandrich52@gmail.com
Phone: (573) 447-7130
Address: 1400 Forum Blvd Suite 7b, Columbia, MO 65203 US

Department, Estimating (Ahrens Contracting)

Email: estimating@ahrenscontracting.com
Phone: (314) 631-7799
Address: 140 Lafayette, St. Louis, MO 63104 US

Feller, Chris (ConstructConnect)

Email: chris.feller@constructconnect.com
Phone: (800) 364-2059
Address: 3825 Edwards Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209 US

Furlow, Janis (furlowservices.com)

Email: furlowservices@gmail.com
Phone: (314) 680-0116

Gerstner, John

Email: JGerstner@gerstnerelectric.com
Phone: 636-349-5999
Address: 2400 Cassens Dr., Fenton, MO 63026 US

Jackson, Ed

Email: cejackson@jacksonbuildinggroup.com
Phone: 314-578-6633
Address: 1015 Grupp Road Suite#31716, St. Louis, MO 31716 US

Kaczmarowski, Sarah

Email: wbn@siba-agc.org
Phone: 618-624-9055
Address: 1468 Green Mount Road, O’Fallon, IL 62269 US

Keller, Leon

Email: office@meyerelectric.net
Phone: 573-893-2335
Fax: 573-893-3686
Address: 3513 North Ten Mile Drive, JEFFERSON CITY, MO 65109 US

Kozeny, Patrick

Email: pkozeny@kozenywagner.com
Phone: 636-296-2012
Fax: 636-296-2409
Address: 951 West Outer Road, Arnold, MO 63010 US

Macko, Alec (DJM Ecological Services)

Email: amacko@djmecological.com
Phone: (314) 795-9419
Address: 2205 Ebert Lane, Wentzville, MO 63385 US

Miller, Joe

Email: joe.miller@indoxservices.com
Phone: 314-633-4800
Fax: 314-633-4899
Address: 8508 Valcour Ave, St. Louis, MO 63123 US

Mosher, Jerry

Email: jerrym@interfaceconstruction.com
Phone: 314-522-1011
Fax: 314-522-1022
Address: 8401 Wabash Ave, St Louis, MO 63134 US

Raineri, Tony

Email: Tony@Rainericonstruction.com
Phone: 314-667-5913
Fax: 314-667-5638
Address: 1300 Hampton Avenue, Suite 200 St. Louis, MO 63139

SCHMIDT, CRAIG (Brewster Companies)

Email: CSchmidt@brewster-co.com
Phone: (618) 344-4468
Address: 1632 East Main St, Maryville, IL 62062 US

Smith, William

Email: wmralphsmith@yahoo.com
Phone: 314-365-1267
Address: 3513 N. Ten Mile Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109 US

Tielke, Sharon (T.G.B., Inc.)

Email: sharon@tgbinc.com
Address: 1104 South Jefferson, St Louis, MO US

Tielke, Stephen (TGB Inc)

Email: steve@tgbinc.com
Phone: (314) 664-4444
Address: 1104 South Jefferson, St Louis, MO 63104 US

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