Fountain Park
Fountain Park general boundaries are defined as Dr. Martin Luther King Drive on the North, southward to Walton Ave on the East, westward to Delmar Boulevard on the South, northward to North Kingshighway Boulevard on the West to Dr. Martin Luther King Drive.
The neighborhood is proud of its namesake, the Fountain Park, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. The park is named for the historic, multitiered fountain nested within it. In addition to the fountain, the park is known for its eleven-foot bronze statue of civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. According to neighborhood residents, the fountain is still in working order and the statue is the only Martin Luther King Jr. statue to be found in St. Louis.
Useful Contacts
- Shameem Clark Hubbard, Ward 10
Neighborhood Improvement Specialists
Citizens' Service Bureau
Community Sites
Feb 22
MLK Cultural Blvd Pop Up & Info Center Opening
10:00 AM Community Event