Special Educational Needs and Additional Support

School for the Blind, Support Organizations, Language Instruction

Top Requests

  • DonorsChoose.org
    DonorsChoose.org is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on this site.
  • Missouri School for the Blind
    Missouri School for the Blind offers educational and outreach services for legally blind Missouri children from birth through age 21 and their families. MSB is operated by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of the State of Missouri and its services are free of charge.
  • SLPS Bilingual/Migrant Program (ESOL)
    The mission of the ESOL/Bilingual/Migrant program is to provide effective and age-appropriate English language instruction (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing), and to support English Language Learners to achieve in all content areas, grades K-12
  • SLPS Special Education Office
    The Office of Special Education (OSE) is committed to the educational, social, physical and emotional well-being of students within the St. Louis Public Schools

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