Board of Aldermen
Board of Aldermen News, Birthdays - February 2013
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This article is 12 years old. It was published on February 1, 2013.
Happy Birthday!
The following are the Board of Aldermen February Birthdays:
Tom Shepard - Chief of Staff to the President of the Board of Aldermen - Feb. 9
Donna Baringer - 16th Ward Alderwoman - Feb. 21
Harry Kennedy - Legislative Director to the President of the Board of Aldermen - Feb. 21
Stephen Conway - 8th Ward Alderman - Feb. 22
Please do not hesitate to stop and wish them a "Happy Birthday" if you see them in City Hall.
As always, any member of the public is welcome to attend Board of Aldermen meetings which are held Fridays at 10 a.m.
Legislative Updates
For the latest Board of Aldermen news throughout the month, visit the web site.
Board of Aldermen
City of St. Louis
Board of Aldermen
Elected Officials