Next NGA West Safety
Security partnerships in St. Louis
Force Protection
The SLMPD recently completed the largest real world "red team" training in its history. This training included Police, Fire, EMS and other City Services involved in multiple complex scenarios, some occurring simultaneously, throughout the day-long training. These scenarios were done in real-time with Officers responding to radio calls, from their duty assignments, to locations throughout the City. The training exposed participants to active shooter scenarios, hostage situations, improvised explosive devices, and coordinated multi-target terrorist attacks. Future training, in partnership with the NGA Security Force, would include large scale force protection scenarios, including unified command and response.
The new NGA site offers continued quick access to the region’s only Level 1 trauma centers: Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Saint Louis University Hospital.
The high density of quality universities and innovation companies involved in cyber security, compliance, systems management and data management offer a unique opportunity for both collaboration and recruitment of future employees to help NGA develop a more robust, responsive command center. This includes Webster’s Cyber Research Institute, Washington University, Saint Louis University Cyber security programs and Cortex Innovation Community.
Safety Initiatives
The SLMPD’s Real Time Crime Center compiles streaming video, data analytics, resource tracking, social media, computer-aided dispatch systems and geospatial mapping information in order to reduce officer response times and improve agency efficiency.
The PIER and SAVE Programs focus on strategies for Prevention, Intervention, Enforcement, and Reentry that include short, medium, and long-term strategies to make every neighborhood safer. In addition, a Community Crime Commission provides oversight and expertise and the Community Engagement and Organizational Development Division works to engage the community on multiple levels.
First Responder Proximity
The SLMPD's Central Patrol Division is located just blocks away with 270 commissioned staff. Two fire stations, including the Fire Department Headquarters and training facility, are adjacent to the NGA site and house nearly 600 firefighters and 150 EMS personnel. This provides both redundancy and 24 / 7 / 365 response capability.
City Investment in Infrastructure Will Increase Safety
Neighborhood Safety Enhancements are planned with newstreet lighting equipped with energy-saving features, security cameras connected to the Real Time Crime Center, and an enhanced traffic management system to increase road safety. This shared communications network will increase emergency response capability and enable predictive policing.
Improved Critical Infrastructure. The restoration of this community will be phased to coordinate with the next NGA West construction, community development projects and financing opportunities.
Improvements to the transit system are planned to better connect NGA employees to transit. Walkable streetscape improvements and additional bicycle facilities will also be built to promote neighborhood safety, increased social interaction, and a healthy community.
Increased 'eyes on the street.' An increased population and properly designed spaces will deter criminal activity through application of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles (CPTED).
Proven success. Investment in infrastructure, improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities, street lighting and security protocols have been successful in the revitalization of blighted communities across the nation. The increase of access and safety these improvements provide will stimulate private development of mixed-use neighborhood centers and a mix of residential opportunities.
A Revitalized Community. New economic investment, jobs, and housing will further enhance the success the City of St. Louis has had in public safety.
This urban area, separated from other defense facilities, will increase NGA's resiliency in case of a natural disaster or attack. Its excellent site access through a dispersed, well connected street pattern will provide outstanding employee access from all directions and reduce response times during critical events.