Dataset Distribution Formats

Overview and elements for this controlled vocabulary

Definition: The types of things a dataset distribution can be

Metadata updated: 4/12/24


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Title Definition Identifier Last Updated
Access Database A MS Access database file 4/12/24
API/Web Service Application Programming Interface or web service 6/4/18
CSV Delimited text file. Assume comma-delimited unless otherwise specified 4/12/24
DBF A dBase database file 8/28/19
Document A word processing document (DOC, ODT, etc) 6/5/18
GeoDatabase 9/20/19
GeoJSON Geographic Javascript Object Notation format, a subset of JSON 4/12/24
JSON JavaScript Object Notation file. 11/7/18
PDF A Portable Document Format document 6/4/18
Shapefile Geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software 4/12/24
Spreadsheet Spreadsheet document, usually xls or xlsx 6/4/18
SQL A Structured Query Language file, used with databases 6/4/18
TXT Plain text file 6/4/18
Website A browsable website or webpage displaying the data 6/13/18
XML Extensible Markup Language document 4/12/24

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