Quick Stats

Open Datasets 70 Total number of open datasets in the data portal
Open Dataset Distributions 190 Total number of dataset distributions in the data portal
Departments 23 Total number of departments with open datasets

Data by Format

  • Access Database
    A MS Access database file
  • API/Web Service
    Application Programming Interface or web service
  • CSV
    Delimited text file. Assume comma-delimited unless otherwise specified
  • DBF
    A dBase database file
  • Document
    A word processing document (DOC, ODT, etc)
  • GeoDatabase
  • GeoJSON
    Geographic Javascript Object Notation format, a subset of JSON
  • JSON
    JavaScript Object Notation file.
  • PDF
    A Portable Document Format document
  • Shapefile
    Geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software
  • Spreadsheet
    Spreadsheet document, usually xls or xlsx
  • SQL
    A Structured Query Language file, used with databases
  • TXT
    Plain text file
  • Website
    A browsable website or webpage displaying the data
  • XML
    Extensible Markup Language document

Data By Department

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You can also browse a full list of our registered datasets, showing the department who provided the data and the data type(s) available. 

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