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Inmate Population By Day

Showing inmate population data for 12/14/2024

Total Confined

Total Confined
Total number of people confined.


Sex Number Percent
Female 56 7%
Male 706 93%
All inmates grouped by sex, if known.


Race Number Percent
Black 637 84%
White 125 16%
All inmates grouped by race, if known.

Employment Status

Employment Status
Employment Status Number Percent
37 5%
27 4%
Unemployed 57 7%
Unknown 641 84%
All inmates grouped by employment status, if known.


Offense 1
Offense Number Percent
Detention 3 0%
Felony 377 49%
Misdemeanor 5 1%
Unknown 377 49%
Detention indicates an individual who is being held on a detainer and not a classified offense.

Age Group

Age Group
Age Group Number Percent
18-24 160 21%
25-29 108 14%
30-34 136 18%
35-39 118 15%
40-44 90 12%
45-49 60 8%
50-59 61 8%
60 and over 27 4%
Under 18 2 0%
All inmates grouped by age, if known.

Marital Status

Marital Status
Marital Status Number Percent
Divorced 3 0%
Married 18 2%
Single 653 86%
Unknown 88 12%
All inmates grouped by marital status, if known.

Technical Probation Violators

Technical Probation Violators
Technical Probation Violators Number Percent
Technical Violator 9 1%
Number and percent of inmates who are technical probation violators, if known.


1. An individual may be charged with multiple classifications of crimes. The number herein represents the highest classification of crime charged.

2. Population data includes inmates listed as being "Out". An "Out" designation means the inmate is temporarily out of the facility and expected to return to face pending charges. Because of this a bed must be kept in reserve for their return.

3. There may be as much as a 5% increase due to the system counting all those in the City Justice Center including inmates and detainees.

Data provided by the St. Louis City Division of Corrections.

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