National Register Site Number

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Metadata updated: 9/27/23


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Title Definition Identifier Last Updated
1907 Dorris Motor Car Company Building 1 9/27/23
A & P Food Stores Building 2 9/27/23
A. D. Brown Building 3 9/27/23
Advertising Building (Mary Muffet Building) 4 9/27/23
American Brake Company Building 5 9/27/23
American Theater 6 9/27/23
American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Company Building 7 9/27/23
Antioch Baptist Church 8 9/27/23
Arcade Building 10 9/27/23
Arlington School 226 9/27/23
Autocar Sales and Service Building 11 9/27/23
Balmer & Weber Music House Company Building 13 9/27/23
Beaumont Telephone Exchange Building 14 9/27/23
Beethoven Conservatory 15 9/27/23
Bel Air Motel 249 9/27/23
Bell Telephone Building 16 9/27/23
Berry Motor Car Service Building 264 9/27/23
Berry, Chuck, House 246 9/27/23
Bissell Street Water Tower 17 9/27/23
Blind Girl's Home 18 9/27/23
B'Nai El Temple (Sherman School) 12 9/27/23
Board of Education Building 19 9/27/23
Boatman's Bank Building 20 9/27/23
Brown Shoe Company's Home- Take Factory (Mexican Hat Factory) 21 9/27/23
Building at 1009 Olive Street/Eastman Kodak Building 22 9/27/23
Building at 1121-23 Locust St. 23 9/27/23
Building at 3910-12 Laclede Ave. 24 9/27/23
Buildings at 1300 Washington Avenue 25 9/27/23
Buildings at 2327- 31 & 2333- 35 Rutger Street 26 9/27/23
Buster-Brown Blue Ribbon Shoe Factory 27 9/27/23
Butler House 28 9/27/23
C. Hager and Son Hinge Company 29 9/27/23
Cadillac Automotive Company Building 30 9/27/23
Carlin- Rathgeber House 31 9/27/23
Carondelet School 32 9/27/23
Carr School 33 9/27/23
Cass Bank and Trust Company 269 9/27/23
Castle Ballroom 270 9/27/23
Centennial Malt House 34 9/27/23
Central Institute for the Deaf Clinic and Research Building 35 9/27/23
Century Building and Syndicate Trust Building 197 9/27/23
Chain of Rocks Bridge 36 9/27/23
Charles S. Sumner High School 37 9/27/23
Charles Turner Open Air School 38 9/27/23
Chatillon- DeMenil House 39 9/27/23
Chemical Building 40 9/27/23
Chippewa Trust Company Building 265 9/27/23
Chouteau Apartments/ Parkway Dwellings 41 9/27/23
Chouteau Building 42 9/27/23
City Club Building 43 9/27/23
Coca-Cola Syrup Plant 229 9/27/23
Colchester Apartments 44 9/27/23
Compton Hill Water Tower (#3) 45 9/27/23
Cook Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, South 237 9/27/23
Cotton Belt Freight Depot 46 9/27/23
Council Plaza 47 9/27/23
Covent of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet 48 9/27/23
Crunden-Martin Manufacturing Company 49 9/27/23
DeHodiamont, Emmanuel, House 50 9/27/23
Delaney School 51 9/27/23
Delany Building 52 9/27/23
DePaul Hospital 53 9/27/23
Des Peres School 54 9/27/23
Dickmann Building 55 9/27/23
Dolman Row 56 9/27/23
Dorris Motor Car Company Building 57 9/27/23
Dreer, Dr. Herman S., House 238 9/27/23
Edward Wyman School 58 9/27/23
Eliot School 59 9/27/23
Emerson Electric Company Building 60 9/27/23
Endicott-Johnson Shoe Distribution Plant 223 9/27/23
Eugene and Mary Miltenberger House 61 9/27/23
Eugene Field House 62 9/27/23
Eugene Field School 63 9/27/23
Fairgrounds Hotel 258 9/27/23
Falstaff Brewing Corp Plant 1 64 9/27/23
Farm and Home Savings and Loan Association 243 9/27/23
Fashion Square Building 65 9/27/23
Father Dunne's News Boys' Home and Protectorate 266 9/27/23
Federal Cold Storage Company Buildings 257 9/27/23
Ford Apartments 66 9/27/23
Ford Motor Co. Building 259 9/27/23
Forest Park Headquarters Building 67 9/27/23
Forest Park Hotel 68 9/27/23
Former Seventh District Police Station 69 9/27/23
Forty-Eleven Delmar 228 9/27/23
Fox Theater 70 9/27/23
Frank P. Blair School 71 9/27/23
Franklin School 72 9/27/23
Frisco Building 73 9/27/23
Fulton Bag Company Building 74 9/27/23
General American Life Insurance Buildings 75 9/27/23
General American Life Insurance Company National Headquarters 236 9/27/23
Gerhart Block 76 9/27/23
Gill, William A., Building 250 9/27/23
Grand - Leader (Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co.) 77 9/27/23
Grand Avenue Water Tower (#1) 78 9/27/23
Grant School 79 9/27/23
Guth, Edwin F., Company Complex 80 9/27/23
Haas Building 81 9/27/23
Haas, Elias, Building 82 9/27/23
Hadley- Dean Glass Company 83 9/27/23
Halsey-Packard Building 84 9/27/23
Hamilton- Brown Shoe Factory 85 9/27/23
Hamilton Hotel 272 9/27/23
Hargadine- McKittrick Dry Goods Building (Lammert Furniture Company Building) 86 9/27/23
Harris Teachers College 87 9/27/23
Harrison School 88 9/27/23
Hempstead School 89 9/27/23
Homer G. Phillips Hospital 90 9/27/23
Horace Mann School 91 9/27/23
Hotel Jefferson 92 9/27/23
Hotel Statler (Gateway Hotel) 93 9/27/23
Immaculate Conception Church and Rectory 232 9/27/23
Immaculate Conception School (Compton Heights Catholic School) 94 9/27/23
International Fur Exchange Building 95 9/27/23
J. C. Penney Company Warehouse Building 96 9/27/23
J. Kennard and Son Carpet Company Building 97 9/27/23
Jack Rabbit Candy Company Building 98 9/27/23
Jackson School 99 9/27/23
Jacob Steins House 100 9/27/23
Jewel Box 101 9/27/23
Jones, William Cuthbert, House 102 9/27/23
Judson, Frederick Newton, House 230 9/27/23
Kate Chopin House 103 9/27/23
Kiel Opera House 104 9/27/23
Kieselhorst Piano Company Building 234 9/27/23
Laclede Building 105 9/27/23
Laclede Gas Light Company Pumping Station G 106 9/27/23
Lambert Building 108 9/27/23
Lambert- Deacon- Hull Printing Co. Bldg. 107 9/27/23
Lambskin Temple 109 9/27/23
LaSalle Building 110 9/27/23
Lennox Hotel 111 9/27/23
Leonardo (Leonardo Apartments) 112 9/27/23
Lesan- Gould Building 113 9/27/23
Liggett & Myers (Rice- Stix) Building, (Gateway Merchandise Mart) 114 9/27/23
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company Building 115 9/27/23
Lindell Real Estate Company Building 116 9/27/23
Lindenwood School 117 9/27/23
Lister Building 118 9/27/23
Loretto Academy 119 9/27/23
Louderman Building 120 9/27/23
Louise Apartments (Crabapple Court Apts.) 121 9/27/23
Lowell School 122 9/27/23
Luyties Homeopathic Pharmacy Company Building 123 9/27/23
Majestic Hotel, (Desoto Hotel) 124 9/27/23
Majestic Manufacturing Company Buildings 125 9/27/23
Marshall School 126 9/27/23
Maryland Hotel 260 9/27/23
May Company Department Store Building 127 9/27/23
Mayfair Hotel 128 9/27/23
McBride, William Cullen, Catholic High School 227 9/27/23
Measuregraph Company Building 129 9/27/23
Medart's 271 9/27/23
Melrose Apartments 130 9/27/23
Mississippi Valley Trust Company Building 131 9/27/23
Missouri Athletic Club 132 9/27/23
Missouri Electric Light and Power Co. 133 9/27/23
Missouri Pacific Building 134 9/27/23
Moloney Electric Company Building 135 9/27/23
Moon Brothers Carriage Company Building 136 9/27/23
More Automobile Company Building 244 9/27/23
Mount Pleasant School 137 9/27/23
Municipal Service Building 138 9/27/23
National Candy Company Factory 253 9/27/23
Neighborhood Gardens Apartments 139 9/27/23
Nooter Corporation Building 235 9/27/23
Oakview Place Apartments 248 9/27/23
Oehler Brick Buildings 241 9/27/23
Old Laclede Gas & Light Company 140 9/27/23
Otto Kulage House 141 9/27/23
Otzenberger House 142 9/27/23
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Hall, School, Convent, and Rectory 254 9/27/23
Pacini, Armando, Restaurant 143 9/27/23
Parrish, D. L., Laundry Company Building 144 9/27/23
Paul Brown Building 145 9/27/23
Peabody Coal Company National Headquarters 245 9/27/23
Pendennis Club Apartment Building 240 9/27/23
Pet Plaza 146 9/27/23
Peters Shoe Company Building 147 9/27/23
Pevely Dairy Company Buildings 148 9/27/23
Pevely Dairy Company Plant 256 9/27/23
Phillips, Homer G., House 239 9/27/23
Phipps- Wallace Store Building 149 9/27/23
Plaza Hotel Complex, (Lindell- Locust cut- off, Drake Hotel, Pink Bldg) 150 9/27/23
Polar Wave Ice and Fuel Company, Plant No. 6 151 9/27/23
Principia Page- Park YMCA Gymnasium 152 9/27/23
Pundt Brothers Garavaglia Grocery Buildings 262 9/27/23
Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church 153 9/27/23
Railway Exchange Buidling 251 9/27/23
Ralph Waldo Emerson School 154 9/27/23
Ramsey Accessories Manufacturing Corporation 231 9/27/23
Riggio Building 155 9/27/23
Robert E. Lee Hotel 156 9/27/23
Robert G. Campbell House 157 9/27/23
Robert Henry Stockton House 158 9/27/23
Roberts Chevrolet 159 9/27/23
Roberts, Johnson and Rand- International Shoe Company Complex 160 9/27/23
Rock Spring School 161 9/27/23
Royal Tire Service Inc. Building 162 9/27/23
S. Pfeiffer Manufacturing Company Headquarters 267 9/27/23
Saint Louis Provident Association Building 163 9/27/23
Samuel Cupples House 164 9/27/23
Sanitol Building 165 9/27/23
Schlichtig House 166 9/27/23
Schmitt, Anton House 9 9/27/23
Schollmeyer Building 167 9/27/23
Scruggs- Vandervoort- Barney Warehouse, (917 Locust Bldg.) 168 9/27/23
Second Presbyterian Church 169 9/27/23
Security Building 170 9/27/23
Selkirk, Ben J. and Sons, Building 171 9/27/23
Seven-Up Company Headquarters 172 9/27/23
Shaughnessy, Martin, Building 173 9/27/23
Simmons Colored School 174 9/27/23
Sligo Iron Store Co. Buildings 263 9/27/23
Smith Academy and Manual Training School 175 9/27/23
South Side National Bank 176 9/27/23
Spool Cotton Co. Building 177 9/27/23
St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church 178 9/27/23
St. Francis de Sales Church 179 9/27/23
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, (Shrine of St. Joseph) 180 9/27/23
St. Louis Air Force Station, (St. Louis Arsenal) 181 9/27/23
St. Louis Colored Orphans Home 182 9/27/23
St. Louis News Company 268 9/27/23
St. Louis Post- Dispatch Building 183 9/27/23
St. Louis Post- Dispatch Printing Building, (KSDK Bldg.) 184 9/27/23
St. Louis Stamping Company Buildings 255 9/27/23
St. Louis Theater 185 9/27/23
St. Luke's Plaza Apartments 225 9/27/23
St. Mark Evangelist Catholic Church Convent and Academy 224 9/27/23
St. Mary of Victories Church 187 9/27/23
St. Mary's Infirmary 186 9/27/23
St. Matthew's Parish Complex 188 9/27/23
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church 189 9/27/23
Standard Adding Machine Building 190 9/27/23
Steelcote Manufacturing Company Paint Factory 191 9/27/23
Stix Baer and Fuller Dry Good Company's "Grand Leader" Relay Station 192 9/27/23
Stone House 193 9/27/23
Stork Inn 194 9/27/23
Stowe Teachers College 261 9/27/23
Strassberger's Conservatory 195 9/27/23
Sugar Loaf Mound 196 9/27/23
Tandy Community Center 198 9/27/23
Taylor- Olive Building 199 9/27/23
Thiebe - Stierlin Music Company Building 200 9/27/23
Tower, George F., Jr. and Carrie, House 201 9/27/23
Union Depot Railroad Co. Building 202 9/27/23
Union Market 203 9/27/23
Union Station Post Office Annex 204 9/27/23
Union Trust Company Building 205 9/27/23
United Shoe Machinery Building 206 9/27/23
Vashon Community Center 207 9/27/23
Wachter Motor Car Company Building 208 9/27/23
Wainwright Tomb 209 9/27/23
Washington Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 210 9/27/23
Weber Implement and Automobile Company Building 211 9/27/23
Weber Implement and Automobile Company, Old 233 9/27/23
Weisert, John, Tobacco Company 212 9/27/23
Wellston J.C. Penney Building 247 9/27/23
Wellston Station 213 9/27/23
Wetzell, Zebediah F., Mary H., House 242 9/27/23
William A. Stickney Cigar Company Building 252 9/27/23
William Buehler House 214 9/27/23
Willys- Overland Building 215 9/27/23
Wiltshire and Versailles Historic Buildings 216 9/27/23
Winkelmeyer Building, (Court Square Bldg.) 217 9/27/23
Winston Churchill Apartments 218 9/27/23
Wolfner, Henry L., Memorial Library for the Blind 219 9/27/23
Wrought Iron Range Company Building 220 9/27/23
YWCA, Phyllis Wheatley Branch (Women's Christian Home) 221 9/27/23
Ziess House 222 9/27/23

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