Planned Industrial Expansion Authority
Details about the Planned Industrial Expansion Authority
The Planned Industrial Expansion Authority (PIEA) implements incentives for development of areas designated under Chapter 100 by the Board of Aldermen. Incentives may include real estate tax abatement and property acquisition, relocation and planning assistance through the use of federal, local, state or private funds. PIEA can also issue revenue bonds to assist in the financing of larger projects. (website)
Five (5) members, all appointed by the Mayor, shall be tax payers of the city, and shall have resided in the city for 5-years immediately prior to their appointment.
Apply to Serve (1 openings)
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Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
Lindsey Evans | Member | 01/15/2029 |
Sean Spencer | Member | 01/15/2028 |
Matthew McBride Esq. | Member | 01/15/2027 |
Lori Koenig | Member | 01/15/2026 |
Kennard Jones | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Authorizing Legislation
City Code Chapter 3.84, Rev. Mo. Stat. 100.331, Rev. Mo. Stat. 100.300 to Rev. Mo. Stat. 100.620
Ordinance 70262, City Code 11.06.370
Board Duties and Purpose
100.390. Authority to be a body corporate and politic, powers and duties of authority. —
An authority shall constitute a public body corporate and politic, exercising public and essential governmental functions and having all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this law, including the following powers in addition to others granted:
(1) To sue and to be sued; to have a seal and to alter the same at pleasure; to have perpetual succession; to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers of the authority; and to make and from time to time amend and repeal bylaws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this law, to carry out the provisions of this law;
(2) To prepare or cause to be prepared plans for industrial development plans and to undertake and carry out industrial clearance projects for industrial development;
(3) To arrange or contract for the furnishing or repair, by any person or agency, public or private, of services, privileges, works, streets, roads, public utilities or other facilities for or in connection with a clearance project; and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this law or any other provision of law, to agree to any conditions that it may deem reasonable and appropriate attached to federal financial assistance and imposed pursuant to federal law relating to the determination of prevailing salaries or wages or compliance with labor standards, in the undertaking or carrying out of a clearance project, and to include in any contract let in connection with such a project provisions to fulfill such of the conditions as it may deem reasonable and appropriate;
(4) Within its area of operation, to purchase, lease, obtain options upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, eminent domain or otherwise, any real or personal property or any interest therein, including fee simple absolute title, together with any improvements thereon, necessary or incidental to a project; to construct, reconstruct, remodel, repair, improve, install improvements, buildings, plants, additions, stores, shops, shopping centers, office buildings, hotels and motels and parking garages, multi-family housing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, machines, fixtures, structures and other facilities related to industrial and commercial uses; to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, subdivide, retain for its own use, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise encumber or dispose of any real or personal property or any interest therein; to enter into contracts with developers of property and with other public agencies containing covenants, restrictions and conditions regarding the use of such property for industrial and commercial and related purposes in accordance with the planned project and such other covenants, restrictions and conditions as the authority may deem necessary to prevent a recurrence of blighted, insanitary, undeveloped industrial areas or to effectuate the purposes of this law; to make any of the covenants, restrictions or conditions of the foregoing contracts covenants running with the land, and to provide appropriate remedies for any breach of any such covenants or conditions, including the right in the authority to terminate such contracts and any interest in the property created pursuant thereto; to borrow money and issue bonds and provide security for loans or bonds; to insure or provide for the insurance of any real or personal property or operations of the authority against any risks or hazards, including the power to pay premiums on any such insurance; and to enter into any contracts necessary to effectuate the purposes of this law; provided, however, that no statutory provision with respect to the acquisition, clearance or disposition of property by other public bodies shall restrict an authority or other public bodies exercising powers hereunder, in such functions, unless the legislature shall specifically so state;
(5) To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement, in property or securities in which savings banks may legally invest funds subject to their control; to redeem its bonds at the redemption price established therein or to purchase its bonds at less than redemption price, all bonds so redeemed or purchased to be cancelled;
(6) To borrow money and to apply for and accept advances, loans, grants, contributions and any other form of financial assistance from the federal government, the state, county, municipality or other public body or from any sources, public or private, for the purposes of this law, to give such security as may be required and to enter into and carry out contracts in connection therewith; an authority, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, may include in any contract for financial assistance with the federal government for a project such conditions imposed pursuant to federal law as the authority may deem reasonable and appropriate and which are not inconsistent with the purposes of this law;
(7) Within its area of operation, to make or have made all surveys, studies and plans necessary to the carrying out of the purposes of this law and, in connection therewith, to enter into or upon any land, building or improvement thereon for such purposes and to make soundings, test borings, surveys, appraisals and other preliminary studies and investigations necessary to carry out its powers, but such entry shall constitute no cause of action for trespass in favor of the owner of such land, building or improvement except for injuries resulting from wantonness or malice; and to contract or cooperate with any and all persons or agencies, public or private, in the making and carrying out of the surveys, appraisals, studies and plans;
(8) To prepare plans and provide reasonable assistance for the relocation of families displaced from an industrial or commercial clearance project area to the extent essential for acquiring possession of and clearing the area or parts thereof;
(9) To make such expenditures as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this law; and to make expenditures from funds obtained from the federal government without regard to any other laws pertaining to the making and approval of appropriations and expenditures;
(10) To delegate to a municipality or other public body any of the powers or functions of the authority with respect to the planning or undertaking of a project, and the municipality or public body is hereby authorized to carry out or perform such powers or functions for the authority;
(11) To loan the proceeds of the bonds or temporary notes hereinafter authorized to provide for the purchase, construction, extension, and improvement of a project by an industrial developer pursuant to an industrial development contract approved by the authority in accordance with subdivision (2) of section 100.410;
(12) To exercise all powers or parts or combinations of powers necessary, convenient or appropriate to undertake and carry out plans and projects and all the powers herein granted.
2. The commissioners of an authority shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from among the commissioners; however, the first chairman shall be designated by the mayor. An authority may employ an executive director, technical experts and such other officers, agents and employees, permanent and temporary, as it may require, and shall determine their qualifications, duties and compensation. For such legal services as it may require, an authority may call upon the chief law officer of the communities within its area of operation or may employ its own counsel and legal staff. An authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees such powers or duties as it may deem proper.
Member Requirements
100.331. Commissioners, number reduced, appointment, terms, qualifications, vacancies — consolidation plan authorized (St. Louis City).
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 100.330 or any other provision of law to the contrary, beginning August 28, 2000, the number of commissioners in any city not within a county shall be five; provided that, by the process of attrition the number of commissioners shall be reduced from fifteen to five by the expiration of the terms of currently serving commissioners and non-replacement of any vacancies.
Commissioners shall be appointed for a term of 4-years each.
All commissioners shall be appointed by the mayor of any such city, shall be taxpayers of the city, and shall have resided in the city for 5-years immediately prior to their appointment.
All vacancies shall be filled by the mayor of the city for the unexpired term, subsequent to the time the number of commissioners is reduced to five by attrition.
2. At any time, the governing body of a city not within a county may adopt a plan of consolidation to combine the planned industrial expansion authority of such city with the land clearance for redevelopment authority of such city.
Questions and Feedback
If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:
Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
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