Great Rivers Greenway - Metropolitan Park and Recreation District

Details about the Great Rivers Greenway - Metropolitan Park and Recreation District


The Great Rivers Greenway metropolitan district shall have as its duty the development, operation and maintenance of a public system of interconnecting trails and parks throughout the counties comprising the district.

Apply to Serve (7 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 12 active board members (maximum 12)
Name Role End Date
Emily Bernstein Member 01/01/2027
Chuck Gross Member 01/01/2027
Brian Phillips Member 01/01/2027
Lisa Suggs Member 01/01/2027
Bernard DuBray Ph.D. Member 01/01/2026
McGraw Milhaven Member 01/01/2025
Serving Beyond Term
Governor Jay Nixon Member 01/01/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Karlton Thorton Member 01/01/2023
Serving Beyond Term
Glenn Powers Member 01/01/2017
Serving Beyond Term
Monica Huddleston Member 01/01/2016
Serving Beyond Term
Robert Epstein Esq. Member 01/01/2015
Serving Beyond Term
Carol Klein Member 01/01/2015
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 64994 (2000); Ordinance 69374; Rev. Mo. Stat. 67.1700 - 67.1769.

Board Duties and Purpose

The Great Rivers Greenway Metropolitan District shall have as its duty the development, operation and maintenance of a public system of interconnecting trails and parks throughout the counties comprising the district, including any areas under concurrent jurisdiction with an agency of the United States government. Nothing in this section shall restrict the district's entering into and initiating projects dealing with parks not necessarily connected to trails.

The metropolitan district shall supplement but shall not substitute for the powers and responsibilities of the other parks and recreation systems within the metropolitan district or other conservation and environmental regulatory agencies and shall have the power to contract with other parks and recreation systems as well as with other public and private entities. Nothing in this section shall give the metropolitan district authority to regulate water quality, watershed or land use issues in the counties comprising the district.

Member Requirements

Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.

The Mayor of the City of St. Louis shall appoint three (3) board members with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen.

No two (2) such board members shall be residents of the same Geographic Area of the City until one (1) such board member has been selected from each Geographic Area of the City.

The City is hereby divided into the three following Geographic Areas:

i) North - that area of the City generally north of Delmar Boulevard;

ii) Central - that area of the City generally between Delmar Boulevard and Interstate Highway 44; and

iii) South - that area of the City generally south of Interstate Highway 44.

Terms agreed to by St. Charles County, St. Louis County and the City of St. Louis.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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