Holly Hills Special Business District

Details about the Holly Hills Special Business District


A Special Business District, to be known as the “Holly Hills Special Business District” (hereinafter referred to as the “District”), is hereby established for the area of the City described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Grand Boulevard and Bates Street; then southward along the center line of Grand Boulevard to its intersection with the center line of Loughborough Avenue; then westward along the centerline of Loughborough Avenue to its intersection with the center line of Morganford Road; then northward along the centerline of Morganford Road to Bates Street.

Board Members

Showing 7 active board members (maximum 7)
Name Role End Date
Brooks Goedeker Member 12/31/2027
Mechelle Minden Member 12/31/2027
Kathryn Glass Member 12/31/2026
Jill Pace Member 12/31/2026
Nicholas Hartzler Member 12/31/2025
Christy Street Member 12/31/2025
Brett Reinert Member 12/31/2024

Authorizing Legislation

St. Louis City Ordinance 71507 Document

Board Duties and Purpose

The District is a separate political subdivision of Missouri with the power to impose a real property tax.

Member Requirements

Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.


The Board of Commissioners shall consist of seven (7) members who shall, be eighteen-years (18) of age or older at the time of their appointment by the Mayor. Members of the Board of Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, of whom: five (5) members shall be owners of real property within the District or their representatives; and two (2) members shall be renters of real property in the District or their representatives.

No employee or elected official of the City of St. Louis shall be a member of the Board of Commissioners.

Terms of Office:

Each member of the Board of Commissioners shall serve for a four (4) year term.


Vacancies on the Board of Commissioners, occasioned by removal, resignation, expiration of term, or otherwise, shall be reported in writing to the Mayor by the Board of Commissioners. The vacancy shall be filled in like manner as an original appointment no later than thirty (30) days after the date of said report to the Mayor. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired portion of a term only.


The members of the Board of Commissioners shall serve without compensation of any kind.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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