Preservation Board

Details about the Preservation Board


The intent of this ordinance is to promote the prosperity and general welfare of the public, including particularly the educational and cultural welfare, through the protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of buildings, improvements, parks, sites and natural phenomena as have or may reasonably be expected to have historic or cultural value and significance to the nation, the state or the City.

The Preservation Board has nine (9) members, eight (8) of which are appointed by the Mayor of the City of St. Louis. Chairman of the Public Safety Committee of the Board of Aldermen (or his/her designee) shall be the 9th voting member.

Apply to Serve (6 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 7 active board members (maximum 9)
Name Role End Date
Richard Callow Chairperson 07/09/2028
Bret Narayan Ex-Officio 04/18/2027
Mike Killeen Member 07/09/2025
Catherine Hamacher Member 07/09/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Tiffany Hamilton Member 07/09/2024
Serving Beyond Term
David Richardson Esq. Member 07/09/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Anthony Robinson Member 07/09/2023
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 64689 (1999); Ordinance 64689 (1999); City Code 24.08.

Board Duties and Purpose

SECTION SEVEN. Preservation Board Powers and duties.

A. The Preservation Board shall be responsible for establishing and articulating policy with respect to historic preservation in the City, and for establishing and articulating standards with respect to the minimum exterior appearance of Improvements within Historic Districts, Landmarks and Landmark Sites as provided in this ordinance in such a manner as to enhance property in the City, encourage property maintenance and promote development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

B. The Preservation Board may review and recommend for approval to the Missouri Advisory Council on Historic Preservation all nominations of Structures, districts or sites in the City of St. Louis to the National Register.

C. If necessary to prevent or delay the imminent destruction by demolition or deferred maintenance of a site or Structure, or portions thereof, which is within or part of a designated Landmark, Landmark Site or Historic District, the Preservation Board may deny or delay demolition as provided in this ordinance and may request that the Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Aldermen the passage of an ordinance for the appropriation of private property as provided for in Article XXI of the Charter of the City of St. Louis.

D. Subject to the written approval of the Planning Commission, the Preservation Board shall make and adopt, and may from time to time amend, rules and bylaws governing the conduct of its business and providing for the administration of this ordinance.

E. The Preservation Board shall meet as often as may be required for the conduct of its business, but not less than once each month.

F. The Preservation Board shall have such other duties, powers and responsibilities as are granted under this ordinance or as may be otherwise or hereafter provided or granted to it.

Member Requirements

The Preservation Board shall consist of eight (8) voting members appointed by the Mayor, each of whom shall be a resident of the City and shall have demonstrated interest and ability in the preservation and enhancement of Structures and neighborhoods.

Of the eight (8) members appointed by the Mayor, there shall be at least;

Two (2) shall be registered architects,

One (1) shall be a practicing art or architectural historian,

One (1) shall be a practicing landscape architect or planner with experience in urban or civic design,

One (1) shall be a licensed real estate broker,

One (1) shall be a registered engineer, and

One (1) shall be a citizen member of the Planning Commission.

All members thereafter shall be appointed for terms of 4 years.

In addition to the above, the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee of the Board of Aldermen of the City shall be a voting member of said Preservation Board and shall constitute the ninth (9th) voting member of said Preservation Board, and the only voting member not appointed by the Mayor of the City.

Whenever the Chairman of the Committee of Public Safety of the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis is unable or unavailable to attend any meeting of the Preservation Board, he is hereby authorized, in his sole and absolute discretion to appoint some other member of his committee to attend said meeting, which said designated member shall have for purpose of said meeting all of the power of authority of said chairman.

The Preservation Board shall elect from its members a chairman and vice chairman who shall serve for the duration of the City's Fiscal Year.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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