Demolition Contractors Board
Details about the Demolition Contractors Board
The board licenses demolition contractors and oversees disciplinary actions.
There is hereby established a City of Saint Louis Demolition Contractors' Certification Board which shall be composed of the Building Commissioner of the City of Saint Louis, or the building Commissioner's authorized representative, and four (4) additional members appointed by the Mayor as follows: either the President of the board of Public Service or the Director of the Department of Streets or their authorized representative, a certified general contractor, a person engaged in the real estate business and a member of the public at large.
The Mayor appoints three (3) of the five (5) members.
Stipend: $45 per meeting, up to 15 meetings per year.
Apply to Serve (3 openings)
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
Ed Ware | Chairperson | 03/10/2027 |
Zachary (Zach) Fortune | Member | 03/01/2025 |
Barry Adelstein | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Arnice Little | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Leonetta Nelson | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Authorizing Legislation
Ordinance 64771 (1999)
Board Duties and Purpose
Powers and duties of the board:
The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board is to conduct itself in such a manner so as to insure, as much as possible, that demolition within the City of Saint Louis is performed safely in accordance with the laws of the City of Saint Louis governing demolition and demolition contracting, as hereinafter set forth:
1. Administration - The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board shall receive applications, administer tests, conduct interviews and hearings, and approve, deny, suspend or revoke demolition certificates, as herein described. The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board shall be permitted to also issue temporary certificates, as described in Section 122.2.3.
2. Tests - The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board shall prescribe the form and content of tests, as described herein, and the form or content of demolition certificates, as herein described.
3. Hearings - The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board shall hold hearings and call witnesses pursuant to certificate issuance or rules and regulations pending, and shall be permitted to call special hearings related to complaints by citizens concerning demolition procedures or rules and regulations.
A. The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board (hereinafter referred to as the Demolition Board) shall meet as often as is necessary to conduct its business. The Demolition Board will set and hold hearings for annual re-certification as required.
B. The Demolition Board shall meet up to twelve times each year for the purpose of testing or re-testing applicants for certification.
C. For any special session requested and called for by the elected chairman of the Demolition Board for any purpose set forth in the rules adopted and published by the Demolition Board.
D. For the purposes of suspending or revoking any demolition certificates previously issued when the code official finds that any holder of a demolition certificate has violated any of the provisions of this code or any rule or regulation adopted by the Demolition Board. The code official shall serve upon the holder of the demolition certificate a written notice signed by the code official of any findings stating the violation or violations which the code official has found the certificate holder to have committed, and stating that a hearing will be held before the Demolition Board in not less than five (5) days nor more than fifteen (15) days.
Such written notice shall further state that the purpose of such hearing shall be the revocation or suspension of the named person's demolition certificate as a demolition contractor. Such notice shall state further that the holder of the demolition certificate has the right to appear personally at such hearing and to be represented by counsel of the holder's choice.
The Secretary of the Demolition Board shall mail a written notice of the time, date and place of any such hearing to the holder of the demolition certificate at the last address furnished to the Demolition Board in the registration statement required to be filed by Section 122.3.4 paragraph 1 A.
4. Adoption of Rules - The Demolition Board shall be permitted to adopt rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this ordinance and the laws of the City of Saint Louis related to demolition. Such rules and regulations shall be published in the City Journal for two consecutive issues prior to becoming effective.
Member Requirements
Appointments of city employees as members of this board shall be during such time as the Building Commissioner and either the President of the Board of Public Service or the Director of the Department of Streets hold office.
All members shall be appointed to a two (2) year term. The term of the member-at-large shall expire on the year opposite the other members. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Demolition Contractors' Certification Board, and a simple majority shall rule in decisions rendered by this board.
The Building Commissioner shall appoint a Building Division member to serve as secretary to the board.
The Demolition Contractors' Certification Board shall be compensated as prescribed by Civil Service provisions for such boards and committees.
Term of Office.
New members shall possess the same qualifications as the persons in whose place they are appointed. this is an existing board and all current appointments shall not be affected by this ordinance. All subsequent appointments shall be for a term of two (2) years and shall expire on an anniversary of the date of the original term, except appointments to fill vacancies which shall be for the unexpired term. Members whose appointment terms have expired shall be permitted to continue to serve until reappointed or replaced by a new appointee.
Stipend: $45 per meeting, up to 15 meetings per year.
Questions and Feedback
If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:
Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile
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