City Airport Commission

Details about the City Airport Commission


Seventeen (17) total members.
Six are appointed by Mayor.
No residency requirement.
No Board of Alderman confirmation requirement

Also known as the "Missouri St. Louis Metropolitan Airport Authority," but colloquially it is known simply as "the Airport Commission."

Apply to Serve (4 openings)
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 17 active board members (maximum 17)
Name Role End Date
Anne-Marie Clarke Member 11/24/2028
Kathleen (Kitty) Ratcliffe Member 11/24/2028
Lee Kling Member 11/24/2026
Don Lents Member 11/24/2026
Megan Green Ex-Officio 04/20/2026
John Bowman Member 01/14/2026
Sean Fitzgerald Member 01/14/2026
Kathleen Osborn Member 01/14/2026
Justin King Member 11/24/2025
June McAllister Fowler Member 11/24/2025
Frank Jacobs Member 07/30/2025
Shane Cohn Ex-Officio 04/20/2025
Darlene Green Ex-Officio 04/20/2025
John Bales Ex-Officio 01/01/2025
Serving Beyond Term
Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge Ex-Officio 01/01/2025
Serving Beyond Term
Kevin Cantwell Member 03/01/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Debra Moore Member 03/01/2024
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 65354, Ordinance 54999, Ordinance 64801, Ordinance 61696, Ordinance 59242
City Code 18.08.030

Board Duties and Purpose

18.08.050 - Management and Development.

The Commission shall be responsible for the planning, development, management and operation of all City airports and all airport property, installations, and auxiliary facilities, including any lands or properties heretofore or hereafter owned and acquired by the City for airport purposes; or the processing, transporting and otherwise facilitating the movement of air passengers and property, and shall be responsible for the promotion and development of additional and improved aviation services as needed by the City.

The Director shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Commission.

Member Requirements


The City Airport Commission, hereinafter called the "Commission," shall consist of the following members:

A. Director of Airports, who shall be Chairman of the Commission;

B. The Chairman of the Transportation and Commerce Committee of the Board of Aldermen (or such other committee to which, pursuant to the rules of the Board of Aldermen, bills affecting the Airport are assigned);

C. The President of the Board of Aldermen;

D. The Comptroller;

E. *Six members appointed by the Mayor;

F. On and after the Effective Date of that certain Cooperation Agreement between the City and St. Louis County, Missouri, authorized by Ordinance 61696 and the amendment authorized by (the ordinance codified in this section), in addition to the six city appointive members provided for in Subsection E, *St. Louis County’s Director of Aviation and four persons appointed by the County Executive of St. Louis County may be additional members of the Airport Commission as provided in such Cooperation Agreement and the amendment thereto;

G. On and after the Effective Date of that certain Cooperation Agreement between the City and St. Charles County, Missouri, authorized by Ordinance 64801, in addition to the six city appointive members provided for in Subsection E of this section, *one additional member of the Airport Commission may be appointed by the County Executive of St. Charles County, Missouri as provided in such Cooperation Agreement;

H. On and after the Effective Date of that certain Cooperation Agreement between the City and *St. Clair County, Illinois, authorized by Ordinance 64801, in addition to the six city appointive members provided for in Subsection E of this section, *one additional member of the Airport Commission may be appointed by the Chairman of the County Board of St. Clair County, Illinois as provided in such Cooperation Agreement.

The terms of the appointive members serving on the City Airport Commission on the date the ordinance codified in this section becomes effective *shall continue until their normal expiration dates, at which times the Mayor shall fill the expiring terms of members he appoints by making appointments for 4-year terms.

A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for transacting business and *every member shall be entitled to a vote. The Director and any member appointed by the Mayor may be removed upon three absences from meetings of the Commission in a calendar year or for other cause by the Mayor after written charges have been preferred and after a public hearing held on due notice to such member. Such member shall have the right to be heard in person or by counsel at any such public hearing.

Each *appointed member of the Commission *shall be paid for each day on which he actually attends an official meeting of the Commission, the amount of pay shall be determined in accordance with the Charter and ordinances of the City.

*All members of the Commission shall be reimbursed for necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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