Port Authority Commission
Details about the Port Authority Commission
Seven members, Five are appointed by the Mayor with BOA approval
Apply to Serve (2 openings)
View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
Kevin Liddy | Member | 11/22/2027 |
Taunia Allen Mason | Member | 11/22/2026 |
Matthew McBride Esq. | Member | 11/22/2026 |
William (Bill) Kay Jr. | Member | 11/22/2025 |
Shane Cohn | Ex-Officio | 04/20/2025 |
Betherny Williams | Ex-Officio |
Serving Beyond Term |
Joan Miller | Member |
Serving Beyond Term |
Authorizing Legislation
Ordinance 57326, Ordinance 59240, City Code 21.36.010 - City Code 21.26.050, Rev. Mo. Stat. 68.010- 68.050
Board Duties and Purpose
Mo. Rev. Stat.: 68.020. Purpose of port authority. — It shall be the purposes of every port authority to promote the general welfare, to promote development within the port district, to encourage private capital investment by fostering the creation of industrial facilities and industrial parks within the port district and to endeavor to increase the volume of commerce, and to promote the establishment of a foreign trade zone within the port districts.
Port Authority Website: "The Port Authority of the City of St. Louis supports economic development in the City’s 6,000-acre Port District, which lies along the City’s 19 miles of Mississippi River frontage. In addition to managing leases for City-owned property in this area, the Authority works with shipping stakeholders across the bi-state area to promote regional commerce." (Website)
City Ordinances (Revised Code): 21.36.030 - Powers and duties of Commission.
In addition to the powers granted local port authorities delineated in Chapter 68, Section 68.010 through 68.070 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, Supplement 1975, the Port Authority Commission of the City shall also have the following powers and duties:
A. Study all aspects of safety within the Port District and to establish regulations and standards not subject to federal regulation with respect to mooring, freight, and material handling, fire protection, watercraft, construction, obstructions, personnel and other such matters in the interest of public safety. Any and all such regulations made by the Commission shall be effective for a period of six months and no longer unless such regulation is continued in effect by the Board of Aldermen by the passage of a duly enacted ordinance. Any and all regulations made by the Commission may be nullified or set aside by a duly enacted ordinance of the Board of Aldermen. Any and all such regulations made by the Commission shall be printed in the Journal at least thirty days prior to the effective date thereof.
B. Study and establish land, mooring and related facility use within the Port District and to recommend any zoning changes required to effect such use and to recommend any proposed zoning changes within the Port District.
C. Study and recommend action on any port facilities and methods and funding by the City and study and recommend action on construction of any private port facilities and funding requiring City action.
D. Study and recommend any fees, lease rates, cargo rates or other charges by the City deemed necessary and proper for port development.
E. Investigate operating and financial practices of any port related enterprise operating public owned facilities and to recommend to authorized agencies appropriate corrective action.
F. The Port Authority Commission shall have the general duty to develop industrial facilities within the Port District in addition to those duties delineated in Chapter 68 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, Supplement 1975.
Member Requirements
Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.Revised Code of the City of St. Louis 21.36.010 - Appointment—Terms—Qualifications—Salaries.
The Port Authority Commission of the City shall consist of seven members as follows:
The Director of Streets shall be a member of the Commission;
The Chairman of the Transportation and Commerce Committee of the Board of Aldermen shall be a member (or such other committee to which, pursuant to the rules of the Board of Aldermen, bills affecting the Port District are assigned);
Five additional members shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen, and shall serve at his discretion for a term of 4-years except that the terms of the appointive members serving on the Commission on the date this ordinance becomes effective shall continue until their normal expiration dates.
B. Not more than four members of said Commission shall be of the same political party. All members shall be residents of the City. No member shall have a direct, indirect or beneficial interest in any business or enterprise engaged in port related activities. No member shall have any financial interest directly or indirectly in the profits of any contract or business transaction of or with the Port Authority nor shall have any direct or indirect interest in any property, supplies, facilities or equipment sold, purchased or let to or by the Port Authority.
C. The Commission shall have the authority to establish such bylaws, rules and regulations as are necessary for the conduct of its business. All members of the Commission shall serve as such without compensation.
Questions and Feedback
If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:
Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
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