Civil Service Commission
Details about the Civil Service Commission
There is hereby created a department of personnel of the government of the City which shall consist of a director of personnel as head thereof, a Civil Service Commission, and such other employees as may be needed.
Board Members
Name | Role | End Date |
Vincent Flewellen | Member | 07/01/2029 |
Bettye Battle-Turner | Member | 07/01/2027 |
Steven Barney | Member | 07/01/2025 |
Authorizing Legislation
Ordinance 42021 (1941). Article XVIII Section 6 of the City Charter.
Board Duties and Purpose
The commission shall have power, and it shall be its duty: to promulgate a rule providing for the dismissal of an employee;
(a) to prescribe, and to amend from time to time as such action is deemed to be desirable, rules for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article, and of any ordinance adopted in pursuance thereof, and not inconsistent therewith;
(b) Ordinances. To recommend to the Mayor and Aldermen in accordance with this article, ordinances to provide for:
(1) a compensation plan providing properly related scales of pay for all grades of positions, and rules for its interpretation and application;
(2) a plan for a system for retirement of superannuated and otherwise incapacitated employees, if and when permissible under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri;
(3) regulation of hours of duty, holidays, attendance and absence;
(4) such other matters within the scope of this article as require action by the Mayor and Aldermen;
(5) such changes in any such matters from time to time as may be deemed to be warranted;
(c) Investigations. To make such inquiries and investigations as it may deem to be warranted regarding the administration and effect of the provisions of this article and of ordinances and rules adopted in accordance therewith, and to make such recommendations to the director and to the mayor and aldermen as in its judgment may be warranted in the premises;
(d) Decisions. To consider and determine any matter involved in the administration and enforcement of this article and the rules and ordinances adopted in accordance therewith that may be referred to it for decision by the director, or on appeal by any appointing authority, employee, or taxpayer of the city, from any act of the director or of any appointing authority. The decision of the commission in all such matters shall be final, subject, however, to any right of action under any law of the state or of the United States; Director.
To hold an examination for the position of director, whenever eligible therefor are needed, and to certify eligible resulting there from to the Mayor, and also to perform all such duties with reference to that position as are assigned to the director as to all other positions in the classified service; and
(f) Reports. To transmit to the mayor and aldermen, with such additions and comments as it may desire to make, such annual and special reports as the director of personnel may submit for its action;
(g) Reinstatement of employees. To order the reinstatement without loss of pay of any employee who has been discharged, demoted, or reduced in rank or compensation for religious, racial or political reasons;
(h) Limitations. Except as provided in this section, the commission shall have no administrative powers or duties. Except as so provided, it shall have no power to direct or control any employee of the department of personnel or other employee of the city, or the action to be taken by any of them in any matter or case. Neither the commission nor any of its members shall have power to take any action except by majority vote in meeting assembled.
Member Requirements
The Civil Service Commission shall consist of three (3) members who, on the dates of their appointment, shall have been citizens of the United States and residents of the City of St. Louis for at least two years preceding. They shall be persons whose past records indicate that they favor the merit system of personnel administration.
No person shall be eligible to appointment as a member of the civil service commission who holds any other salaried public office or who has held any elective public office or elective position in any political party, or any paid position in any political party, within the four years preceding the date of his appointment. Members shall be appointed by the mayor without regard to any political consideration.
All subsequent appointments of members of the commission after the appointment of the first board, shall be for 6-years, except that any vacancy in the membership of the commission occurring at a time other than the expiration of a term shall be filled by the appointment of a member to serve for the unexpired portion of the term.
Questions and Feedback
If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:
Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile
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