Forest Park Advisory Board

Details about the Forest Park Advisory Board


Monitor the implementation of the Master Plan and provide ongoing community input about Forest Park. "Master Plan" as used herein means a Revised Forest Park Master Plan as approved by the Community Development Commission including "Forest Park Master Plan, Goals and Policies" ("Goals and Policies") as approved by resolution of the Board of Aldermen.

Twenty-Seven (27) members on the board. Mayor appoints Fifteen (15) members, and five (5) non-voting members, which are subject to the BOA.

Additionally, the Director of Planning and Urban Design Agency have ex-officio roles.

Apply to Serve (13 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 21 active board members (maximum 27)
Name Role End Date
Bret Narayan Ex-Officio 04/17/2030
Mark (Mark) Macinski Member 06/27/2027
Deborah Dolgin Member 06/26/2027
Edgar (Edgar) Everett III Member 06/26/2027
Kelly Harris Ex-Officio 06/26/2027
Stephen Ibendahl Member 06/26/2027
Frank Kartmann Ex-Officio 01/01/2027
Thomas (Tom) Milford Non-Voting 06/26/2026
Gwendolyn Moore Member 06/26/2026
Andre Walker Member 06/26/2026
J. Tracy Boaz Member 06/26/2025
Sally Nikolajevich Member 06/26/2025
Andy Schwartz Member 06/26/2025
Pamela (Pam) Boyd Ex-Officio 04/20/2025
Kim Haegele Ex-Officio 01/01/2025
Serving Beyond Term
Donald (Don) Roe Ex-Officio 01/01/2025
Serving Beyond Term
Jacob (Jake) Banton Member 06/26/2024
Serving Beyond Term
May Brown Reay Non-Voting 06/26/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Denise Kowelman Member 06/26/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Ann Liberman Non-Voting 06/26/2024
Serving Beyond Term
JoAnn Williams Member 06/26/2024
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

City Code Chapter 3.96 (Forest Park Advisory Board)
Ordinance 63769, approved 4/29/1961

Board Duties and Purpose

3.96.040 - Authority and responsibilities.

The Forest Park Advisory Board shall have the authority and responsibilities set forth as follows:

A. Monitor the implementation of the Master Plan and provide ongoing community input about Forest Park. "Master Plan" as used herein means a Revised Forest Park Master Plan as approved by the Community Development Commission including "Forest Park Master Plan, Goals and Policies" ("Goals and Policies") as approved by resolution of the Board of Aldermen.

B. Oversee and review compliance with the Master Plan and provide review of significant modifications to the Plan, including those made by tenants, outside agencies and the Parks Department.

C. Constitute a part of the public review process for major park projects as specified by the "Project Approval Process" schematic diagrams for privately funded projects and City funded projects, copies of which are attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter as Exhibits A and B of Exhibit B, in addition to the public entities listed in Section 2.3.2 of Goals and Policies.

D. Conduct a public review of any proposed expansion, modification, replacement, relocation, adaptive re-use, or removal of existing buildings, roads, parking lots, paths, recreation areas or natural areas ("Proposed Physical Changes"). No City Board (including but not limited to the Boards of Estimate and Apportionment, Aldermen and Public Service) commission, agency, or department shall take any action upon any proposed ordinance, contract, permit, appropriation, or other form of authorization of a Proposed Physical Change, until a public review has been conducted. Such public reviews shall be conducted within thirty days after they are initiated. The Forest Park Board (the "Board") may initiate a public review by written notice to the Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry (the "Director") that it is doing so. The Director may initiate a public review by written notice to the Board to conduct a public review including full particulars concerning the Proposed Physical Change. In conducting such review, the Board may provide opportunities for citizen involvement and public input as it deems necessary.

After completing such review, the Board shall promptly report to the Mayor, the Director, and the public whether the Board finds:

1. The Proposed Physical Change is significant or minor;

2. The Proposed Physical Change is consistent or inconsistent with the Master Plan, or is not addressed by the Master Plan; and

3. If the Proposed Physical Change is not addressed by the Master Plan, whether the Board considers the Proposed Physical Change beneficial to the Park, or not beneficial to the Park, with stated reasons. The Board in its reports may address such other matters or findings as it believes will assist the public to evaluate the proposals which are reported on.

E. Encourage institutions and park facilities to develop their long-range plans and to present them to the Board on a regular basis.

F. Keep the public informed and advised of matters relating to the Master Plan.

G. Perform such other functions and take such other actions as are consistent with its responsibilities and authority as stated in subsections A to F of this section, inclusive.

H. The Board is not authorized and shall not have power to amend or change the Master Plan. The Board may recommend changes to the Master Plan for consideration by the Community Development Commission.

I. The Board is authorized to reasonably request of, and shall receive from, the Director, meeting space, clerical assistance from time to time, and supplies. The Director's obligation to comply with such requests is subject to departmental budgetary limitations as determined by him in good faith.

J. The Director shall on an ongoing basis provide to the Board, with or without request from the Board, information necessary and appropriate for the Board to consider in carrying out its responsibilities under subsections A to G of this section, inclusive. The Board shall receive from the Director any public reports prepared or received by department personnel relating to or concerning Forest Park.

K. The Board may request and upon such request shall promptly receive information from the Director concerning plans of the City affecting Forest Park.

L. The Board shall meet at least once in each calendar quarter after public notice as required by law and as determined by the Board.

M. The Board shall select officers and adopt rules for the conduct of its business, consistent with any applicable law, including but not limited to Ch. 610 and Section 105.452 R.S.Mo. 1994 as amended. The Board may adopt rules and procedures, consistent with applicable law, which it believes appropriate concerning records of communications to Board members and disqualification of members from voting on matters originated by the group, organization, institution, person, or entity which nominated them, or, in the case of ex officio members other than Aldermen, the organization or City office in which they are employed.

N. The Board shall prepare and publish by March 31 each year a report of its proceedings and business during the preceding calendar year.

Member Requirements

Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.

3.96.020 - Membership—Terms of members.

The membership and terms of office of members of the Forest Park Advisory Board shall be as follows:

A. The following members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen:

1. One (1) selected from among persons nominated by community groups or neighborhood organizations in neighborhoods adjacent to Forest Park;

2. One (1) selected from among persons nominated by sub-districts or governing boards of institutions of the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District with facilities located in Forest Park and The Muny;

3. One (1) selected from among persons nominated by organizations which use or whose members use a portion of Forest Park on an ongoing basis for amateur sports activities pursuant to permits issued by the Board of Public Service or the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry;

4. One (1) selected from among persons nominated by persons, organizations or other entities which are not described in subsection (A) (1), (2) or (3) with a lease or permit from, or contract with, the City or the Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, for ongoing use of a portion of Forest Park;

5. One (1) selected from among persons nominated by environmental advocacy groups active in the metropolitan area;

6. One (1) member with expertise in landscape architecture;

7. One (1) member with expertise in urban design;

8. One (1) member with expertise in ecology and natural resources;

9. Seven (7) members at large reflecting the geographic, racial and ethnic, and gender diversity of the City; and

10. In addition to the foregoing members, up to five (5) nonvoting advisory members who are not residents of the City.

B. The following members shall serve ex officio:

1. The Forest Park Manager;

2. The Executive Director of Forest Park Forever, Inc., or his or her designee;

3. The Aldermen of any ward in which any part of Forest Park is located, or his or her designee (3 total);

4. The Chair of the Parks Committee of the Board of Aldermen, or his or her designee;

5. One of the following as determined by the Mayor:

(a). The Director of Planning of the Community Development Agency, or

(b). The Commissioner of Heritage and Urban Design, or

(c). The Director of Urban Design of St. Louis Development Corporation, or

(d). The President of the Board of Public Service.

C. The terms of all the ex officio members shall respond to their respective official terms.

Of the fifteen (15) voting members appointed by the mayor shall be appointed for terms of 4-years.

No member appointed by the Mayor shall be an officer or employee of the City or of any political subdivision thereof other than the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District or any of its sub-districts.

All members, other than the nonvoting advisory members, if any, shall have one (1) vote on the Board.

3.96.030 - Appointments subject to approval of the Board.

The appointments of members of the Forest Park Advisory Board by the Mayor, other than ex officio members, shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Aldermen by resolution.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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