Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners (METRO)

Details about the Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners (METRO)


Board has ten commissioners. Five from Missouri and five from Illinois.

N.B.: Four of the five Missouri appointees serve 5-year terms. One serves a 3-year term. See below.

From the Missouri five, two are appointed by the Governor based on a panel of three recommendations from the Mayor of the City of St. Louis, two are appointed by the Governor based on a panel of three recommendations from the County of St. Louis Executive.

The fifth of the Missouri five serves a 3-year term and is appointed by the Governor based on a panel of three recommendations submitted by the Mayor or County Executive on an alternating basis (alternating every three years).

Apply to Serve (9 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 10 active board members (maximum 10)
Name Role End Date
Jeffrey Watson Member 11/11/2025
Nate Johnson Member 11/11/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Irma Golliday Member 01/02/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Sam Gladney Member 11/11/2023
Serving Beyond Term
Derrick Cox Member 01/21/2023
Serving Beyond Term
Fred Pestello Member 11/10/2021
Serving Beyond Term
Rose Windmiller Member 11/11/2018
Serving Beyond Term
Justin Zimmerman Esq. Treasurer 01/01/2017
Serving Beyond Term
Michael Buehlhorn Chairperson 02/01/2016
Serving Beyond Term
Vernal Brown Secretary 11/11/2015
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Rev. Mo. Stat. 70.370-70.385

Board Duties and Purpose

The Bi-State Board of Commissioners oversees management of the regional transit agency, which was formed by an act of Congress and by legislation in both Missouri and Illinois. The agency has broad powers to plan, construct, maintain, own and operate all manner of transit and terminal facilities but its main business is providing public mass transit.

Member Requirements

The bi-state agency shall consist of ten commissioners, five of whom shall be resident voters of the state of Missouri and five of whom shall be resident voters of the state of Illinois. All commissioners shall reside within the bi-state district, the Missouri members to be chosen by the state of Missouri and the Illinois members by the state of Illinois in the manner and for the terms fixed by the legislature of each state except as herein provided. Two of the five appointments made by the governor pursuant to the provisions of section 70.380 shall be selected from a panel of three nominees submitted by the mayor of St. Louis City. Two of the five appointments made by the governor pursuant to the provisions of section 70.380 shall be selected from a panel of three nominees submitted by the county executive of St. Louis County.

2. The fifth appointments made by the governor pursuant to section 70.380 shall be selected from a panel of three nominees submitted alternately by the mayor of St. Louis City and the county executive of St. Louis County. The next appointment following August 28, 1997, shall be to fill the commissioner position described in this subsection and shall be made from three nominees submitted by the county executive of St. Louis County. The next appointment for the commissioner position described in this subsection shall be made from three nominees submitted by the mayor of St. Louis City whereupon the order of nomination and appointment for this position will repeat itself.

3. The order of the appointments made pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shall be as follows:

(1) One from the panel of nominees submitted by the mayor of St. Louis City;

(2) One from the panel of nominees submitted by the county executive of St. Louis County whereupon the order of such appointments shall repeat itself.

The four standing appointments from Missouri serve for a term of 5-years, and the one alternating appointment serves for a term of 3-years.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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