Art Museum Subdistrict

Details about the Art Museum Subdistrict


The Art Museum Sub-district is a "sub-district" of the larger ZMD (The Zoological Park (Metropolitan) & Museum District (Cultural District)). The Commission is charged with overseeing the management of the St. Louis Art Museum and in particular its operation as a political subdivision of the larger ZMD and, ultimately, the state.

The Art Museum Sub-district Board is governed by a commission consisting of ten (10) members to serve without compensation for a term of 4-years. Five (5) voting commissioners appointed by the Mayor, and five (5) commissioners appointed by the County Executive.

There shall also be four (4) non-voting advisory commissioners, two (2) appointed by the Mayor, and two (2) appointed by the County Executive.

There is a complex set of rules governing appointments. Among the more unique rules:

1.) Board of Aldermen approval is NOT required for the 5 voting members appointed by the mayor.

2.) Board of Aldermen approval IS required for the 2 advisory members appointed by the mayor.

3.) The commission can of its own accord appoint non-voting members to the commission.

Apply to Serve (10 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 14 active board members (maximum 14)
Name Role End Date
Joseph Lehrer Member 12/31/2028
Judith Levy Member 12/31/2028
Keith Williamson Member 12/31/2027
John Fox Member 12/31/2025
Robert Ashton Non-Voting 12/31/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Tom Carnahan Member 12/31/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Adrienne Davis Secretary 12/31/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Emily Pulitzer Non-Voting 12/31/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Pamela Trapp Non-Voting 12/31/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Kent Kreh Treasurer 03/06/2024
Serving Beyond Term
David Obedin Member 03/06/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Barbara Taylor Non-Voting 03/06/2024
Serving Beyond Term
John Horseman Vice Chairperson 12/31/2022
Serving Beyond Term
Ingrid Taylor Member 12/31/2020
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Rev. Mo. Stat. 184.352 8, 60, 015

Board Duties and Purpose

184.360. Sub-district's powers — duties. —

1. Each respective sub-district is hereby empowered to own, hold, control, lease, acquire by donation, gift or bequest, purchase, contract, lease, sell, any and all rights in land, buildings, improvements, furnishings, displays, exhibits and programs and any and all other real, personal or mixed property, or to contract with other persons to provide for any and all services for the purposes of the sub-district.

2. All buildings, property and facilities of existing publicly owned and operated zoological parks and museums established pursuant to the constitution or laws of this state or museum of science and natural history upon which a majority of the voters of both the city and county have passed upon as provided for in section 184.350 shall become the property of and vest in the respective and applicable sub-district on the date such sub-district shall be established as provided in section 184.350. Any obligations, duties, rights, privileges of whatever description pertaining to or relating to the maintenance, operation, construction, design, or affairs of any such existing zoological park or museum shall be assumed by the respective sub-districts.

184.362. Facilities to be free, commission rules and regulations, employee benefits. —

The use and enjoyment of such institutions and places, museums and parks of any and all of the sub-districts established under sections 184.350 to 184.384 shall be forever free and open to the public at such times as may be provided by the reasonable rules and regulations adopted by the respective commissions in order to render the use of the said sub-district's facilities of the greatest benefit and efficiently to the greatest number. The respective commissions may exclude from the use of the said facilities any and all persons who willfully violate such rules.

In addition said commission shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for its own guidance and for the election of its members and for the administration of the sub-district as it* may deem expedient and as may not be inconsistent with the provisions of the law. The respective commissions may contract for, or exact, a charge from any person in connection with the use, enjoyment, purchase, license or lease of any property, facility, activity, exhibit, function, or personnel of the respective sub-districts.

Said commission shall have exclusive control of the expenditures of all moneys collected by the district to the credit of the sub-district's fund. The commission of any sub-district established by the voters under the authority of section 184.350 shall have exclusive control of the construction and maintenance of any sub-district buildings built or maintained in whole or in part with moneys of said fund and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings constructed, leased or set apart for the purposes of the sub-district under the authority conferred in this law.

The commission of any sub-district established by the voters under the authority of section 184.350 shall have the power to appoint a director and necessary assistants, to fix their compensation and shall also have power to remove such appointees. All employees, appointees and officers of publicly owned and operated museums and zoological parks shall on the establishment of a sub-district related thereto become employees of the sub-district and such appointees' and employees' seniority, pension, salaries, wages and fringe benefits shall be equal to or better than that existing at the time of the establishment of the sub-district insofar as may be possible. The respective commissions shall whenever the need arises transmit to the district a complete survey and report of the sub-district's need for construction, reconstruction and repair of improvements, buildings and other facilities and shall include all information and data necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the cost of such improvements and shall further certify to the district the need for incurring additional indebtedness as provided in sections 184.364 to 184.376 herein.

184.378. Ordinances to protect facilities authorized. —

The legislative authority of any city or county in which property of the metropolitan zoological park and museum district and the respective sub-districts is situated shall have the power to enact ordinances imposing suitable penalties for the punishment of persons committing injury upon said district's or sub-district's properties, the grounds or collections of property thereof.

184.382. Report to district board, when. —

The commissioners of each sub-district shall make on or before the second Monday in March an annual report to the district board setting forth the various sums of money received from the said sub-district's fund and the amounts which have been expended and for what purposes, the number and character of the acquisitions and such other information and suggestions as they may deem important.

Member Requirements

Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.

184.358. Sub-districts governed by commission, appointment — qualifications — terms — removal from office — nonvoting advisory members, appointment, terms. —

1. Each sub-district established by the voters as provided in section 184.350 shall be governed by a commission consisting of ten members to serve without compensation for a term of 4-years except as provided in this section.

Five (5) commissioners and their respective successors shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter county and five (5) commissioners and their respective successors shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter city, from persons nominated and submitted by the respective then existing commissions. The authority to appoint shall include the authority to reject and in such case an additional nominee or nominees shall be submitted.

The commissioners shall nominate a person to replace members whose terms are to expire or to fill a vacancy.

Commissioners who have been appointed by the chief executive officer of the city shall be residents of the city during their tenure in office and commissioners appointed by the chief executive officer of the county shall be residents of the county during their tenure in office.

Nothing in this section is designed nor should it be construed to prohibit the appointment by the commission of nonvoting commissioners to the commission of any sub-district nor shall the residency requirements be applicable. The legislative body of the constitutional charter city upon the petition of the chief executive officer of such city after a public hearing thereon may remove any commissioner residing in the city for misconduct or neglect of duty, and the legislative body of the constitutional charter county upon petition of the chief executive officer of the county after a public hearing thereon may remove any commissioner residing in the county for misconduct or neglect of duty.

No commissioner removed shall be eligible to appointment to any sub-district, commission, office, or to the board of the district.

There shall also be four (4) nonvoting advisory members. Two (2) of the advisory members shall be selected by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter county and two (2) of the advisory members shall be selected by the chief executive officer of the constitutional charter city, with such 4-year terms beginning October 1, 1992, subject to the advice and consent of the respective legislative bodies of the city or county in which the proposed member resides.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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