Affordable Housing Commission COVID-19 Communication Plan

Statement to residents on Affordable Housing Commission's operations during COVID-19 emergency

March 23, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on March 23, 2020.

In light of COVID-19 and to effectively reduce risks by social distancing, the Affordable Housing Commission has provided pick up and drop-boxes which are placed at our office entrance for individuals who need to drop-off information or materials.

Our services will remain available by phone or online. Please continue to call our offices, at 314-657-3880, or e-mail our staff and we will accommodate your service requests promptly.

If you have questions or a service request and do not know who to contact, please use the “Contact Information” section to e-mail us with the following information and we will forward your inquiry to the appropriate party.

  • Name
  • Today's Date
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • Department you are trying to contact
  • Short summary of matter you are trying to address

Please check the City's website for information about any board or commission meetings or public hearings.

Again, thank you for your patience and be safe as we move forward and through this crisis.

April Ford Griffin, AHC

  • Department:
    Affordable Housing Commission of the City of St. Louis
  • Topic:

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