Legislation relating to MLS Stadium build to be introduced this Friday

Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed will introduce Board Bill 215 and Board Bill 216 relating to the MLS stadium project

February 6, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 5 years old. It was published on February 6, 2020.

mls event announcement

Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed will introduce Board Bill 215 and Board Bill 216 relating to the MLS stadium project at the Board of Aldermen on Friday. He will serve as the bill’s main sponsor.

“These bills will continue to move the MLS project along in our City. Soccer fans across the City and region are excited for the stadium to be built. This is another step in the right direction,” said Reed. 

Board Bill 215 and Board Bill 216 will authorize the Redevelopment Plan for the soccer stadium project.

The project consists of an approximately 22,500-seat professional soccer stadium; team offices; practice fields; parking facilities; a newly-renovated Aloe Plaza West; and various street, sidewalk and utility improvements.

“The ownership group of MLS4THELOU has proven to be outstanding stewards for our community. And, they are doing the same for this project. It’s going to be a great day when Major League Soccer is played in St. Louis,” said Reed.

The Board of Aldermen will meet at 10 a.m. in Room 230 at City Hall, Friday, Feb. 7. 

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