Moms Demand Action stands against gun violence at Board of Aldermen

President Reed and Moms Demand Action take a stance against gun violence in St. Louis

November 2, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on November 2, 2018.

Moms Demand Action Today, Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed suspended the regular order of business to recognize the recent shootings in our Country and City, alongside members of the local Missouri Chapter of Moms Demand Action.

Katie Mullen, Community Outreach Lead for the St. Louis City Chapter of Moms Demand Action, urged the community to support the Ceasefire initiative that Reed introduced a few weeks ago to address crime in our City. She also led the Board of Aldermen in prayer. 

“We are lucky to have groups like Moms Demand Action in support of efforts to reduce gun violence in our City. Together, we can and we will reduce crime in our City,” said Reed. 

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. Moms Demand Action campaigns for new and stronger solutions to lax gun laws and loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. 

Learn more about Moms Demand Action here.

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